Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
We were on a cruise for 10 days in August. We boarded Milo in a familiar place with lots of running. Staff said he did great. That was the end of August. This past weekend we stayed over at my sisters house (he has stayed there many times). We went out for dinner, he dug his way out of the yard and was found running frantically in the street by a stranger who took him in her garage and attempted to find us.
He has never acted this way and he is almost 3 years old. Now we are afraid that he got some anxiety about us leaving him. Is that just me or a possibility? He is fine now at home but we wonder if we should do something to assure it does not become a pattern everytime he goes there now or at home?
He is a very happy energetic dog who is attached to us but never seems to mind when we come and go??
I guess that could be the case--will be curious to see what others think--how did he get into the yard if you were out? Better keep him indoors when you go out from now on--poor Milo!! He is so stinkin' cute!! So glad he got back safely--hooray for helpful people.
We'll probably never know exactly why he did this, but I would not let him in anyone's yard unsupervised again. Now that he has learned that he can do this and get free, it is very possible that he would try it again. Thank heavens he was found by this kind woman before anything happened to him. He's adorable!
Oh my doodle he is just TOO ADORABLE. Keep him inside when you are gone no matter where you are - I think he'll be fine.
We had to rebuild out fence because our dogs - well mostly the smaller Ned - periodically got out. We had a foster that greeted us in the driveway and in his case it definitely was anxiety driven. In their case they were exploring, however we do have a Springer who is anxious when left alone and will try to dig or climb his way out. My solution would be to leave Milo for short periods ( start with a few minutes at a friend's place) where he would be supervised but perhaps could break this cycle of anxiety (if that is what it was). And don't feel guilty for leaving him outside in what you thought was a safe yard. This stuff happens and it reminds us to be more diligent.
He's SO unbelievably CUTE!
I think you were very fortunate that a caring person found him and made an effort to find you. He is so cute, I would be afraid someone would pick him up and keep him for their very own. Wouldn't he be ok to just leave in the house when you are gone? Charlie is so used to us going outside with him, he does not even go out to pee alone! LOL!
Any chance it was storming or getting ready to storm while you were gone?
Oh Milo you are the cutest escapee ever! So glad he is safe. I would hesitate to leave any dog unsupervised in a yard. Dogs dig, and heaven only knows what other kinds of trouble they can get into. If he seems fine otherwise I wouldn't worry.
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