Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
My little Charley is almost 9 wks old and she has been very enjoyable except for the biting. Up till now , nothing was working the yelling ouch made her growl jump and clamp down on my arm like one of those trained police dogs.. So I researched and found help in the puppy maddness group. It was an old post I think it was 3 years old..not sure..and someone said to try putting peanut butter on your hand and to teach the puppy to lick. It is working. She comes up to me sits and looks at me and when I reach out my hand she licks me. I say kisses..and she has calmed down dramatically. She is not perfect.. but it's a start. She was biting so much that no one could play or hold or even pet her without her clamping down on arms, fingers. She was even snapping at my face. the only time that I could hold her was when I would wake her up from a nap to take her outside for potty. I would actually run through the house so everyone got a quick rub before she woke up all the way and start her biting. Just a few minutes ago i reached down and was able to rub her head without getting bit. I plan on doing this about three times a day with lots of treats.... Now I have to figure out how to dunk my pants in peanut butter so she will stop biting them.
I laughed out loud at your last sentence! I'm glad you have found something to help your little sweetie pie restrain the nipping.
What a great idea....I may have to use that one myself in a few weeks time.
You are safe, Nicky. Riley will be the victim of biting. :-)
Great news....that puppy nipping stage is no fun.
The puppy nipping is such a difficult stage, both my doodles went thru it and it will pass for sure. Charley is a very young baby and they learn and discover things with their mouth. My Sasha did not like when I wore skirts or dresses when she was a pup. When I was getting ready in the morning she would go nuts.. she did rip a few skirts :( I would correct Sasha when she got nippy with a firm no and put a toy into her mouth. I also walk away if she got nippy, but soon this stage passes... its all a puppy thing !!!
Great news--and a LOT of progress for such a young pup!! She had to learn that you are not another puppy and will not tolerate the biting!! Some pups do keep right on biting when the others yelp--it doesn't bother them at all--you must have one of those....LOL!!
Way to go, Charley. I would stop biting for peanut butter, too :)
Hooray for Charley!!! That is an awesome suggestion. Wish I had thought of it or used it. Daphne doesn't bite us anymore but she still LOVES to grab pant legs. I have just accepted this (I know I shouldnt) and walk around some days with my puppy attachment on! So far I havent gotten any holes because her razor teeth are all gone, but I just know, one day I will really regret letting her do it. For now, its just too funny. I walk around and she grabs my pants and growls like my pants are something awful and must be stopped from attacking me!
That's great! I remember Monty was like a piranha and nothing worked either. I was carrying around a can with rocks in it and shook it every time he clamped down on me. And then one day the biting stopped. Great job with the peanut butter.
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