Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So a friend just texted me saying the two girls (dogs) are leaving their household, followed by three pictures of dog bite wounds. I asked her what happened and apparently the girls (sisters) who are (I am guessing here) 6 months or so old have been fighting and tonight she tried to stop it. Is this typical of sister dogs? I had heard of dogs fighting when you bring one in after the other has lived there a while, but these two have been together since birth. Is there anything I can tell her to help? 


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Without a lot more information, it would be difficult to give advice.  Has she talked with a Behaviorist?

Is she getting rid of these dogs?

Woah--that sounds very unusual for puppies--there must be something that is not being done correctly--such as giving them a high value treat and leaving them together--then there is the problem of breaking up the fight improperly which is causing her to get bitten--one might also be much less dominant and is getting taken advantage of by a more aggressive sister who is trying to be top dog--all these things can be fixed! Oh dear, I hope she gets some help.

Sorry, I'm just now responding! Busy morning. I just ran into the friend at her son's preschool. Her bite wounds are pretty deep (one is still bleeding, she did call the doctor). She had been heartbroken all night about the puppies and not knowing what really to do. I don't think they have had much training. As real little puppies they were both very calm, and I am not really sure on the details on why they fight. I asked her if it was a result of something and she said no not really (not over toys or treats, etc) She has two very young boys and so I think her reaction has been that she has to get rid of both girls (because she can't choose) They do have an older dog too, but no fighting has happened there. 

A neighbor told her that they would love to take one of the puppies off her hands. This seems to be the best situation for everyone. This way they don't have to get rid of them both and can still see them both. I posted this real fast because I was so worried that they would just get rid of them (which was the original plan) and I wanted to help if I could! I hadn't heard of puppy sisters acting this way either. 

Thanks for the responses! 

It sounds like she may have been in way over her head with 1 dog, 2 young sons, and 2 puppies and that these puppies may not have gotten the training they need.  One thing I have learned in the past year is that dogs ALWAYS fight over something and it is just a matter of figuring out what they are fighting over.  I have been dealing with that issue in my house, but I don't have children to worry about.  If she doesn't have the time and dedication to work on finding the source of the problem then the training that is needed, her situation will only get worse and she should consider her neighbor's offer. 

Thank you for being concerned for the puppies and for not wanting them to end up dumped in a shelter.

I completely agree with this....and then she really needs to start some training with the puppy she keeps.

I agree. I think it's a lot on her plate (plus other stuff I don't need to list), but I am very hopeful to have one at the neighbors house. I think this will be best for all involved. 

We had this happen to us with two lab shepard puppies. We finally decided to rehome them and one night people were coming to meet them with their kids but my boss decided to take one home to see if his wife would allow it so that only left one at home when the family came to see them. When the family came Cinnamon acted like she was a big show off and played fetch with the little boys rolled around getting pets and just acting like she should have been all along. It made us realize that they would be the right family for her. They took her home. Jazzie who had went home with my boss was brought back from there as his wife was not happy to see her at all! She was skittish, scared and sad looking with him. She came home and My husband was still adamant that she needed to be re homed too. Then he realized that she was happy just following our family around no matter where they went all over the farm. She started to sit everynight on the porch with my husband and talking to him about their days! She had a way to talk. She turned into the puppy that they kids could play with and love and have as a constand companion.

I had had two labs stolen from our farm one day we were all away, the neighbors also had things stolen. In the process of trying to locate them I came across this litter that had the two pups left and they were to be put down as they were sick, runs, they gave me half of the adoption fee and a promise of money back if they died. I took them home. They only needed a change of food. I blame being raised in a kennel situation where they had to compete for food and love that caused the extreme jealousy. The other labs were litter mates and best friends and great companions for our boys.

We kept Jazzie her entire life and she lived 16 years or so. Cinnamon lived a very long happy life with her family until she was 15 or so too. Both made their families happy and loved unconditionally ever after. 

I just wanted to share the experience we had and that sometimes the best option shows itself.



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