Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
A few days ago I was watching TV and they were interviewing a guy named Neil Pasricha who is the author of a book called The Book of Awesome. He said something that struck a chord, he said “Life is so great that we only get a tiny moment to enjoy everything we see. That moment is right now. And that moment is counting down. And that moment is always, always fleeting. You will never be as young as you are right now.”
His premise is that there are awesome little things that happen to us every day and we just need to stop and take a moment to appreciate them. With all the bad that happens in this world every day, we miss out on all the little things that bring us just a slight bit of pleasure.
Quincy and I want to wish you all a Happy Holiday, no matter what or where you celebrate we wish you peace and joy.
Some awesome things that happened to me today.
I went to Walmart to return something, there was no lineup just me. Awesome
We went for a walk on the golf course and ran into Quincy's doodle friend Molly ( who is absolutely adorable) two doodle romping in the snow. Awesome
I tried a Blueraspberry Martini. Awesome
This time of the year is especially hectic so slow down and share something awesome that happened to you.
I hope you're right. Love those puppy pictures : )
Congratulations Ginny, and Lyric ! Very exciting for your family, maybe Valentine puppies, or is that to late ?
If all goes well they will be born around Feb 6-8th. Last time she was two days early, so we will be ready that week.
That is awesome....although right about now she probably doesn't think so.
Awesome, the handyman was able to drill open my locked desk. I tried and failed. I was blaming myself for locking the key in it but then I realized it was the first time in twenty years and forgave myself.
Glad you got it open!!
Awesome post Donna, thanks for the reminder to be grateful for all the awesome things that happen in a day. One of things I`m doing to show my gratitude is a 26 acts of kindness project in honour of the 26 victims of the shooting. I might even stretch it 28 ... the world needs more positivity than ever these days. So far I have gotten a gift certifcate and christmas card for the homeless man who wishes me a good morning every day when I arrive at work, the other is a care package to a random person at the seniors residence around the corner. That`s 2 acts of kindness down, 24 (or perhaps 26) more to go...
What a good idea Sherri, I'm sure those acts of kindness will be appreciated.
Awesome photo of Quincy! Such a good reminder. There is always an awesome--even when just waking up. Opened my eyes this morning and there was that untidy pile of dog fluff, sleeping peacefully on most of the bed. Awesome.
Hahaha...just waking up is indeed awesome, and all the rest is a bonus. Glad the kids are feeling better. I just gave our local park 'cookie lady' a calendar, and the first thing she noticed was Calla and Luca "having so much fun." Even more fans--awesome!
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