Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I got home late last night from Amsterdam where I have been for the past four days.  I was on business but got to spend two whole days between meetings in that wonderful city.  Cheek by jowl with Van Gogh and Rembrandt!  This morning I got up to diarrhea in he lounge and Boris needing a bath.  I bathed him at 7.30 and got up.  He went again twice and then started throwing up bile.  This went on until lunchtime so I made a vet appointment and we went at 4pm. He had six bouts of diarrhea and vomited bile three times before the vet.   My major worry is that he has eaten something that is stuck and as I wasn't here I don't know what that could be.  My partner said he was eating fine while I was away and had his last meal yesterday evening.  The vet said he doesn't think there is something there bu couldn't rule it out.  No fever so he gave him an anti-emetic injection and told me to cook boiled chicken and rice.  He also gave me some paste in a syringe which I have to give three times per day.  He was full of beans in the vets and interestingly the vet told me to tap him on his head while he jabbed him with the needle saying this would help counteract the soreness of the injection which he said was a sore one and he said he hated the thought of hurting him and making him fearful of vet visits.   Boris didn't flinch so It obviously worked.  It's a T-Tellington touch thing but I wonder if the distraction of me tapping his head was what helped.  We are home now and he has eaten some rice and chicken and I am hoping for an uneventful night.  Fingers crossed.


We spent a very restless night with Boris waking every hour and needing to go outside.  He has stopped vomiting (probably due to the medication) but still has the diarrhea and this is just a little liquid now as he has nothing left in his tummy.  This morning he did take some water but refused all food.  I gave him a popsicle which he has been licking.  It's a frozen yoghurt one.  I'm cooking some chicken broth now and hopefully he will take some of that.  From the straining there is still a little bleeding but it is fresh blood and not internal.  Generally he is in better form than I would have expected but we are very worried.  I will wait to see how the morning goes and if this does not settle will take him to the ER this afternoon.  I cannot think what this could be and we have been wracking our brains to see if we can think of something he might have ingested.  No one fed him any treats that may be suspect and he has not chewed anything inappropriate as far as we know.  I am working to make sure he does not get dehydrated

*Monday Morning*

I think we've turned the corner! We were only woken once during the night at 2.30 and Boris slept straight through until 7.30.  He still has some diarrhea but is back to his normal self, hungry and playing with his toys and with Riley. No more bleeding either (TG) I called the vet and asked about transitioning back to food but she just advised  ID Hills food.  I asked what was in it and she said she didn't know but would call me back.  I did a search and here's what it is

Water, Turkey, Egg Product, Pork Liver, Rice, Whole Grain Corn, Rice Starch, Powdered Cellulose, Dried Beet Pulp, Dicalcium Phosphate, Potassium Chloride, Caramel Color, Flaxseed, Calcium Carbonate, Iodized Salt, Choline Chloride, L-Threonine, DL-Methionine, Vitamin E Supplement, L-Tryptophan, Taurine, Iron Oxide, Ascorbic Acid (source of vitamin C), Zinc Oxide, Ferrous Sulfate, Thiamine Mononitrate, Cysteine, Magnesium Oxide, Beta-Carotene, Manganous Oxide, Copper Sulfate, Niacin, Calcium Pantothenate, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Biotin, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Calcium Iodate, Riboflavin, Folic Acid, Sodium Selenite.

As I know from the Food Group there is nothing in the above that I would want or need to give to my dogs!!!!  I am waiting for the call back and will have the conversation LOL

I am just feeding the broth that I made myself.  Boiled fat free chicken, rice and sweet potato and hopefully his tummy will settle soon.

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Nicky~hoping Boris feels his usual self very soon!  Keep us posted.  Maybe it was just from nerves because you were gone!

Hoping Boris feels better soon!  Keep us posted!

I'm so sorry Boris is sick! I hope he recovers quickly and you both can rest soon. 

Awww - Boris please do not be a worry to your mommy!  Hoping it is just the puppy tummy and that all is well again soon.  Rooney often had issues at this age and nothing was ever serious but it was scary - then poof - he grew out of it.

Aww so hard to see them sick. My two often will have blood in their stool after as many bouts of diarrhea as Boris has had. I think it's just irritation of mucosal lining of the lower bowel and anus. It has always resolved when the stool issues resolved. But yes, I would still let the vet know in the morning. Hope you all have/had a good restful night though.

I'm sorry to hear that little Boris is sick, I hope he is better soon. When Quincy was sick and I couldn't get him to drink I added a little apple juice to his water and he did drink some.

It's the middle of the night for you, and I hope you're all sleeping. It's so worrisome when these pups are sick. I'd get back to the vet ASAP if you're not satisfied with his condition in the AM . Feel better Boris!

Hoping Boris feels better real soon and everything is resolved. Poor Mommy, after a long flight and missing everyone she comes home to her baby sick.  Not the welcome I'm sure you wanted.  Keeping Boris in our prayers.  Libby sends Doodle prayers and kisses.

Hope the little guy is feeling better!

I hope Boris is much better in the morning! Poor baby!

Haven't been on DK for a while, life has been so hectic lately!  Anyway, hope that Boris is doing better and that you both manage to get some sleep tonight.

Nicky, did the Vet do any blood work?



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