Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Okay-we all have Doodles that aren't perfect, but we Love them in spite of those teensy-tiny flaws!

Tell us what your Doodle does that exceeds all expectations and would make other Doodle owners jealous!

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Bailey likes to play the same game..but with her it's a death stare LOL

Sedona has the "death stare" perfected as well!!  We should get the girls together for a staring contest.  :)

Rio does the same thing--just a gentle rrr to give me the hint.

Zoe is excellent at sneaking up on someone and pouncing (we can totally see her but she thinks she's sneaky). She's also good at using her paw... Either to paw at someone or something or to use her paw to get/reach something she wants. She's great at making her grrrrrrr noise when someone pets her or she's tired. Yes she's a dog and not a cat and I have no idea why she does all these feline-like actions bc she's never been around a cat!
Bender is great at using a pillow, stealing our spot on the couch, and telling time to know exactly when his meal time is. He will sit and stare at you intensely until we realize its meal time!

Oh man, this is just impossible to narrow down. :-)

-He is excellent at being the most well behaved dog I have personally ever met. Not necessarily in a "He knows 200 commands perfectly" way, but just his everyday behavior is so perfect and easygoing. He doesn't bark, jump up, act protective, destroy things, etc. He's SO easy going and adaptable to situations. I could put him in the car right now, and take him into the center of a busy shopping mall with babies, yelling people, hats, musicians, loud noises, etc. and he would take it in stride. No matter if it's a man, child, infant, woman, dog, horse, cat, etc he greets them quietly, with all 4 paws on the ground with his tail wagging. Fireworks, thunderstorms, tractors, none of these shake him. It is honestly SO nice to be able to go to a hotel, a friends house, camping, etc. and know that he will settle down where we put him (crate or free roam) and sleep through the night without disturbing anything. And that he will completely love and cuddle with any person that he comes in contact with.

Sometimes when I feel bad for myself as he's drooling on my head in the car I have to mentally slap myself. He is completely adaptable to any situation, and the situation where he's at his absolute WORST only involves him drooling panting and shifting around in the backseat. Seriously, the poor guy is miserable and that is the worst he behaves. We are truly lucky to have such a good boy.

And bonus:

-He's excellent at being the most adorable thing EVER. Seriously, I haven't met a person yet (except my dad, who must have no heart) who hasn't completely been won over by adorable fluffy looks. :-)

Darwin is amazing on all counts!!  What a lucky doodle mommy you are!!!

Cute! Our Boo will lie on her bed, and start sadly "huffing" when she wants something. Gets me every time:)

Gavin's house manners are impeccable.  He has never counter surfed or gotten into anything he has not supposed to.  He is confident and welcoming to all humans and dogs, is extremely quiet (rarely barks) and sleeps in as long as you do.  He is just easy to have around.  We are very lucky!

This makes me jealous :)

My Doodles are excellent at loving our family and making us laugh.

If I can amend this slightly for you, Laurie, I would say that your dogs are EXCELLENT at putting up with your habit of finding humiliating costumes for them. ;)

Finnley might not exceed in this more then any other doodle, but her enthusiasm for life is something that you have to stop, watch and enjoy. She is just so happy !
She always brings a smile to my elderly mother, who spends much of her time laying on the couch these days. Finnley will walk over to her, lay her head on my mother's chest. Then comes the big slobbery kisses. That makes my mother laugh, and Finnley has done her job!



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