Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I spotted them at a local store today. Got  a Goldendoodle one, there was also a Labradoodle. Seems like you can order a poster as well on the artist's website:


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how cute!

That is very cute!

Cute ! Alas, I checked them out, no black doodles. :(

I was also looking for a black doodle so I sent the artist an e-mail.  I'll let you know if I hear back.

Very cute!

I not in the market for any doodle magnets, though, because I have these:

A certain very proud doodle mom in PA sent me two of them, you can probably figure out which ones, lol! And another very kind mom of a couple of doodles and a Springer in CA felt that it was only right that if JD had to look at other doodles' pictures on his own refrigerator, his picture should be up there, too, so she had those made for him! And I made the one in the middle all by myself, lol!

You are well "magnetted"!

Even more than this shows, lol! I just realized that my "Fudge and Vern Doodle Cruise" magnet is not in this picture!  

You have been doubly blessed by that lady in PA! So glad your CA friend added JD to your fridge.  

Karen it must be your magnetic personality. :>)

LOL, Donna, you are quick these days! 

Karen, I LOVE your magnets. Where ever did you buy them? LOL Fudge and Vern are mighty proud to be "hangin" with JD :)

I love them too, Laurie! 



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