Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The Labradoodle name spawned the name Goldendoodle and now we have many "oodle" and "doodle" names for poodle combinations with other breeds...


However, if the Labradoodle/Goldendoodle names had come first, many of our rescue dogs would be called a "doodle" or "oodle" of some type...


As an example, Riley would not be a "Maltipoo" (Maltese + poodle)


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She would be called a "Maltidoodle"


And GiGi would not be a "cockapoo" (cocker spaniel + poodle)


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She could be called a "cockadoodle".  Now, that's a heck of a name, isn't it? 


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Ha ha - true story!

Cockadoodle Do!!!!!!

Here's the thing, though. The "doodle" word for any poodle mix doesn't make sense. It made sense with labradoodles, because it's actually a contraction of the names. Labradorpoodle. LABRAD(orp)OODLE. See? Drop the "orp" and you have Labradoodle. But you can't do that with "Goldenpoodle"; there is no second "D". You could have Goldenoodle, or Goldoodle. Just attaching "doodle" to any poodle mix has never made sense to me.

My first dog as an adult was a Schnoodle. Again, a contraction of Schnauzerpoodle. SCHN(auzerp)OODLE. That one makes sense, too.

It does bug me when every breed that's mixed with a poodle is called a "something doodle", but I guess it sounds nicer than putting "poo" on the end of everything, lol.

All true.

How cute and love the pictures!

I thought that the Goldendoodle was originally called something else in Australia...

I'm pretty sure Goldendoodles originated in the U.S.

I have heard them called Groodles, lol.

I've heard that they're called "groodles" in Australia because "doodle" is slang for some body part that you wouldn't want to name your dog after. :) But I cannot confirm this. 

  I don't think I want a cockadoodle, unless it also crowed!  Your pictures of Riley and GiGi are lovely, as usual.

before we got Zoe I was looking into cockapoos because i wanted a poodle mix.  My husband really wanted to find a Havanese/Poodle mix... Hav-a-Poo.  He's so incredibly mature sometimes :/

LOL.  GiGi, count yourself lucky you aren't a cockadoodle.

Our Maggie was half Cocker half Lab she looked like a mini golden reteriver, that's why I am getting a golden doodle!



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