Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm not sure if I should be putting this in a specific group? I read a lot of discussions on here, but don't say a lot.

My Pete has started to drool terribly when he is around other dogs, any dogs, big or small, puppies or adults, boys and girls, its really bad. The drool pours out of his mouth, when I take him to my folks to visit, they have a labradoodle that Pete loves to play with, or when a dog comes here to visit. Pete walks around with drool running out of his mouth like a faucet. Is there anything I can do?

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Aww, sounds like he is nervous.   Do you see that this may be the case?

I know he gets super excited and wants to play, but he doesn't act like he is afraid

There can be several causes of hypersalivation, but when it's happening in specific situations, which seems to be the case with Pete, it's usually due to nervousness or anxiety.

is there something we can do to help him or stop the severe drool? If its a nervous thing, what can we do so he is not so nervous?

What are his interactions with other dogs like? How often does he spend time with other dogs?

once a week maybe?


he loves to play with any dog

My goldendoodle hypersalivates after taking his worm medication.  Not any other time.  But I want him to take that medication because he is always eating things in the trail when we are walking and who knows what some of those other animals might have.

Bella drools terribly as she is waiting for me to fill her bowl. Especially for the morning meal. I have to mop it up sometimes. I don't think she is either nervous or anxious. Maybe anxious as in a hurry to eat, but she is wagging her tail the whole time, so certainly not stressed. . It's the only time she drools though.

Yeah, drooling over food is a different thing, lol., JD does that when he's waiting for food, too.

Good to hear, as I always thought it was normal, for her anyway. She is over excited about eating, but nervous or anxious never crossed my mind.

I use to help my son out with his dog and I knew she needed more exposure so I started taking her for car rides and to the park along with my dog. In the beginning she drooled and frothed, so I kept the activities short and lengthened over time.  She eventually became far less anxious and began to play.  I would try short play times for awhile and see if Pete begins to be less anxious.  BTW, how old is he?



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