Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum there anything I can do to make her more comfortable? It's been ages since I've gone through this with a dog. She seems fine when I take her outside, in fact it's a struggle to keep her from romping too much in all our new fluffy snow. But in the house she barely walks more than 4 steps before she lays back down again. They sent her home with Deramaxx, but she only gets it once a day. It doesn't help that she has to wear the dreaded cone of shame. She hates it. But whenever I take it off she immediately starts licking at her stitches. I know the less activity the better as far as her recovery goes, but she's acting SO out of character it's freaking me out a bit.
Someone recently posted that instead of a cone they used a baby onesie to keep them from licking the stitches and it really seemed to help. You may want to search some of the past discussions (it was pretty recent).
It's been over 10 years since I had to deal with this so I'm not much help right now but I'll be dealing with it again very soon so I'll probably come back to this discussion to see what ended up working for you.
Good luck!
ok - I stink at technology!! We used a cone with Bodi, but there are better things to do . . . do a search in discussions for Wearing a onesie. I don't know how to put it here - but someone can help!!! Your lily will look so cute and will be so happy without the stupid cone!!
Hope Lily feels better soon!!
I'll bet her stitches are pulling a bit, and that is why she keeps stopping and laying. The onesie is a great idea though. I saw the pictures posted of the doodle recently wearing one. Practical, and cute too ! I guess I got lucky with Finnley. She didn't even bother with her stitches so she didn't have to wear the cone. She also had an umbilical hernia repaired. She was slow for a couple of days, but then worked her energy back up and tried to do stuff she wasn't supposed to do again !
However if she just doesn't seem right, call the vet back, they will check her out to make sure she is healing OK.
Discussion with the pics of onesie link. Warning, it is pretty adorable. :>)
You just made me smile, Donna :o)
Those pictures of the puppy wearing the onesies are of my Charlotte. She is pretty precious, I must agree!
When Rio was neutered, he was 2 so it was a bigger deal than usual--and he came in and laid on his bed as if he was afraid to move too much--he didn't lick much so he did not have to wear the cone, but the stitches felt so odd that he just froze unless he was outside--sounds like the same thing. I am sure you will see a big improvement in the next few days...
Thanks everyone, definitely going to try the onesie trick. Poor thing gets so flustered and scared every time she runs into a wall or hits the cone on something. She wouldn't even eat until I took it off. Even though she could get close enough to the bowl with it on, every time she tried it scraped on the floor and freaked her out. :( I'm leaving it off for a little bit (while keeping an eye on her every second) and she is acting like her normal perky self. Dumb collar.
Although Lily is already 50 lbs...going to have to find a BIG onesie!!! LOL!
You also might want to check out inflatable collars - they have them at Petsmart, and probably many other pet supplies stores. They are really great, the dog can eat and drink, and when they lay down, the collar acts like a pillow. We used it on our dog when she was spayed and its terrific. She was very comfortable and it completely prevented her from licking her stitches.
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