Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Since our sad day on Monday DH and I have been worried about Lucy and how this whole situation would affect her.  Not only just now being the only doodle, but would the fact that they were liter mates make the situation any different for her.  Neither of us has any experience with a situation like this so we just weren't really sure what we should watch for.  Lucy has sort of had to take a back seat in the last few months and so normal for her is just sort of laying around, napping, barking if there is a noise outside or getting really excited if someone stopped by.  This afternoon as she lay on her pillow in the Den while we were both on the computer we got to talking about if we thought she was depressed or if she was just tired (she got a haircut today.  Another thing that had been neglected).  Anyway we have vowed that we are going to get her back on a regular walking schedule and rehab that knee some more and also try and take off a few pounds as well.  (Although after her haircut she didn't look nearly as chunky).  So, I said to her "Do you wanna go for a walk" and she just jumped up and gave me that little head tilt like what are you waiting for.  Mike was going to bundle up and take her.  When they returned I was still on the computer and I heard her little toe nails running across the living room floor.  She came screaming into the Den, full speed, ran up to my chair, threw those big paws up on my shoulders and gave me the biggest Lucy Hug and some sloppy little Lucy kisses.  She was just all excited.  I couldn't help but smile. 

That makes me think that she is doing ok.  If anyone has been through anything similar and has any ideas on what we might watch for that would be great.  We are just pretty clueless on anything that we might need to do to help her.  She is pretty independent.  She never minded my leaving her home alone when Sophie and I did therapy work.    We have kept her night time routine the same by leaving her in their room and she seems fine with it.  She hasn't even whined to wake me in the morning.  Bottom line, I want to do anything that we can to help her through the transition and don't want to do anything that might make it harder.  Any ideas appreciated.

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Sheri, I am so glad that you two have Lucy, and so happy that Lucy has you two. Of course she is sad, and yes I believe they mourn along with us. Your healing process will include all 3 of you.

When we had to say goodbye to our daughter and son in laws Boxer her little sister, also named Sophie, seemed so so sad but once we realized she was picking up on our cues and tried to make her days as normal as could be she came around.

You're doing great with Lucy - Love up on her, paly, and watch her behaviors....after all that is what she is doing with you.  Support eachother... Gus did that for me when I lost Yogi Bear 4 years ago.


Lucy is a very smart girl and knew just what her mom needed.

I have been thinking of you, and perhaps even more about Lucy. I don't have any experiece, but I have been thinking about this ever since we got our second doodle. I'm sure she understands what happened and is going to help you through this. I was a wreck when Joanne posted the discussion about her Starlit and your story is touching home again for me. I've got no reason to worry, my two boys are young and healty, but I'm already thiking about the what ifs....I'm just that kind of person ever since I got doodles. I worry. I worry about them. So I worry about Lucy. But I know it will be fine. You are hurting more than Lucy is probably. Dogs are amazing since they take life the way it is. People hang on to stuff. That's why we have dogs as our companions to help us through these hard times. Love to you!

I think her wanting to share her happiness with you today is a sign that you're doing everything right.  These doodles are very intuitive.  She wants to take care of you as much as you want to take care of her.  I'd just keep doing things that make both of you happy. I'm glad she made you smile!  Blessings!

So nice to hear this story about Lucy and making you smile :) I have no experience with this, but I can't imagine you doing anything to make it worse for her. You know Lucy best... And I am sure you are in tune with what she may need... She'll let you know. Sounds like you both are worried about each other and want to help the other through this tough time!

Sweet, sweet Lucy! She just wants to make her Momma happy again. :-) They are wonderful, intuitive creatures. They are such people pleasers and she wants to make sure you are gonna be OK. Just love her!  She will really enjoy all the extra love!

What a good girl Lucy is.  She wants you to know she is there for you.  Day by day.  You will do the right thing for her; don't worry about that.

doodles (and probably a lot of dogs in general) really seem to have a way of making you smile when you are feeling sad. 

I'm so glad that Lucy mad you smile today. May the smiles come more frequently for all of you. You will know what you need to do for Lucy. She'll let you know. It sounds like she is going to be okay. 

I have no experience but have read that dogs can have depression/confusion when a member of the pack is gone. It sounds like Lucy has great instincts and knows she needs to be strong for you. To be honest I contemplate the who will go first effect now and then since you never know , and then I just realize I have no control and will have to deal with that when the time comes.

I think normalcy is the best idea. but clearly Lucy is trying to tell you that she is fine and trying to make you fine too.



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