Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Finally....the weather here in Knoxville has turned warm!  With temps in the low 80's today for the first time this year, I was looking for a way to wear Monty down without going out of the fenced area and playing "tennie ball".  Way too much goose poop down by the creek and he just had a bath.  We all know where THAT would lead!.  However, while watering a few plants out by our pool area, I discovered that Monty is absolutely in love with the hose!  So, I put the nozzle on the "solid stream" setting and away he went....running from side to side chasing the water stream wherever I put it..just like a laser beam.  Meanwhile biting at the water and doing so in such a gleeful manner that had me hysterical.  This boy was having a blast!  This game went on for at least 25 minutes and at which time he was totally pooped ....and he had worn down his nails as well.  :)  He has not shown an interest in getting in the pool yet, so this will have to be his exercise for least until the geese leave.  Right now he is laying in the shade on the porch drying off with his sister, Mackenzie and they are both out like lights!  Ahhhh.....peace in the least for awhile!

Anyone else's Doodles do this?  Any other suggestions on other games to wear him out?

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I believe you have to be careful with this, as the dogs suck down a lot of air when trying to bite the water... My parent's dog did this, and someone once told me it wasn't a good idea... ;-( Perhaps I am wrong though...

also, chasing it is one thing... but the biting and gulping at the water is another... You may be able to work the game and avoid the biting/gulping of air?

No, Monty was only chasing the water and not gulping it.  I was moving the water much to quickly for him to even catch it.  I have had Goldens for years and know how much they enjoy "the chase".

Thats good, just wanted to through that out there.

Also, One thing we've done in the past is take a 1 inch thick 3ft long dial rod, tie a thick string onto it and then on to a toy. (something like this). We were told to make sure the dog "wins" every 30 seconds or so, to keep the dog having high drive, and some other reason I forget...  BB LOVED IT

Ohhhh...I like this idea!  Looks like what I was doing with the hose....only they get the reward with this one.  I will need to try this.  Thanks Carla!  Anything to wear this boy out!

Wally does this with the hose so much that I find it difficult to water my garden! Those geese are pesky; Wally tries to eat the goose poop and chase the geese (he learned that from my friends dog!) My girls LOVE to play with him with the hose. Another game we play as a family (only need 2 people) is to call the dog to come to you. We then make him sit, down, and over. Then the next person (across the yard) calls him and does the same thing. He LOVES it! Another game is to hide the kong in the yard and have him find it. He loves his kong so this works for him. The last one we do is have him climb up the playset and down the slide, jump through the hula hoop and run around the trampoline. (just like an obstacle course) It just got hot here too (North Carolina).

Wish we had a play set here.  Monty seemed to really love the agility props that were up against the wall during his puppy classes.  It was suggested to me to try Agility for him.  He was fearless on some of those things!

That is adorable! You should get that on video. :-)

My daughter and I actually did this just last night while watering the plants on the patio and she video taped it.  Will try and get her to download the video from her phone for me!  Great minds, Debi, great minds!

Hey Marnie!  I actually thought about doing the same thing.  Problem was that he started doing it all of a sudden and I was not prepared.  But you better bet that I will be next time!  :)

LOL, great name. :-)

Our backyard is not very big, but my Monty also loved to chase the water. But he was gulping it down so we stopped. There is something about a stream of water that dogs like. I'm sure Auggie will love the game as well once the weather permits.

Monty Moose is sure adorable and pretty big for 6 months.



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