Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
We have a one year old living next door who LOVES Bodi. He is a bit wobbly on his feet yet, but toddles (uphill) to see Bodi whenever he can. Today he greeted Bodi and then Bodi embarassed me . . . he went and peed on the little boy's wagon. urghghgh. Of course I was yelling NO and STOP and the little guy thought I was yelling at him. At least they are "dog people" and didn't get upset!!
So what has your doodle done to embarass you?
My doodle has yet to embarrass me BUT I'm meeting other DKers for a romp this weekend so.....I'll let ya know.
Haha Marnie! At least they are other doodle parents! They will understand!
LOL Bodi!!! My friend has a 10 year old husky that peed on a 2 year old baby! The parents and kids went over to my friends house and Red walked by the baby, lifted his leg, and peed on the baby's side. I asked if the parents were mad but my friend thought the baby was very misbehaved so I don't think she felt that bad LOL :X
When Sadie first got her gentle leader collar she hated it (actually, she always hated it---that's why we switched to the easy walk harness). She sat down at the entrance to PetSmart (we were trying to leave) and wouldn't move for 10 minutes--I am not exaggerating. I finally picked her up and carried her. But it was a weekend, so you can imagine how many people saw me trying to convince her to move...
Submissive peeing while rolling on her back >< Sometimes if Luna has a full bladder and is greeted by a large dog she rolls on her back and promptly empties her bladder... all over herself. Sigh. :p
Oh Luna! Too bad you can't teach her to pick one or the other, J!
ew--very embarrassing!
I had a great time with Mattie at a Therapy dog event today at the State University nearby--we were "relieving stress" during Finals week-----but the room we are in with all the dogs is right next to the cafeteria--and every time someone came in with food, Mattie would get up on her hind legs and try to sniff what they had--she is such a pig!! Food is her life, what can I say--so I had to ask people with food to make a big circle around us!
I am sure Stanlee will be just fine! My Sweet little Daphne begged for food from total and complete strangers. We were at an event for Goldens and Golden mixed breeds. They were selling chicken wings and Daphne just found some people who she thought looked nice, put her little paws up on their knees and begged for their food! Elizabeth (& Bailey) took her picture because it was just so horrifying and funny at the same time!
When Willow was younger, she used to find the most public space to poop. She would lead us to a group of people, when she sees one, then poop nearby so that people can watch her. We suspected that because we cheer when she poops, she wants to show it to as many people as possible?
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