Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I will be visiting my pup's litter on Saturday and I am seeking advice or tips on how to select a puppy. I don't want my EXCITEMENT to overshadow what I am there to do:  select a pup that is a good match for my family.  I have many questions like "Do I just observe first, do I sit still and let the pups come to me, do I handle and play with the pups a lot, etc???  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  

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Adrienne, When my daughter went to visit her litter, her dog picked her. She said she just knew he was the one and he is a wonderful dog. I have no real advice, but personally, I would listen to what the breeder says about the temperament of each dog and be candid about what you want and work together with him/her.  I bet you will know :) Good luck. I can't wait to see what you decide.

Yep, I am getting a standard sized pup.  I have my eye on the male pup (see photo below) but I plan to go in with an open mind--they are all so cute.  Pups are expected to be 50-60 lbs.

I had the pick of the litter when I chose my pup and after doing lots of googling on how to choose, simply ended up picking the one who was the gender I wanted, average size and had the reddest coat. I often wonder what her siblings are like, but I never regret my choice.

I truly believe that though each of the puppies in a litter will have different personalities, no matter which you get will be the right one.

I would listen to the breeder, get her input as far as high energy versus low energy and make sure that matches your family. We wanted the calmest puppy of the litter and though she was shy, that's who we picked. I find that I have to socialize her more as she's very shy around new people, but she's wonderful with our family. I worry she may become fearful when she gets older, so we socialize her as much as possible. So I would suggest a middle of the road temperament puppy, not one that is too hyper but one that's not shy either. I would definitely observe all the pups first and then spend time with the ones that you like individually. Try and visit a couple of times before you make a decision. I'm sure whoever you pick will be the right puppy for you. Good luck!

I would absolutely lean on the breeder for this. This will help ensure that your excitement and emotions don't take over. My breeder lived so far away from me that I had to rely on her A LOT. I wasn't able to see them before I picked and I don't think I could have ended up with a more perfect fit for my family! She knew exactly what I was looking for and as the pictures were updated she would email me with more details about the pups that favored what I wanted. We both agreed on the one for me. It was some serious team work :)

When I was brand new to the doodle world and had finally chosen my breeder, I was not able to visit the litter and felt comfortable that the breeder would do her best to choose a pup to best fit our needs. We wanted calm, but enough energy to run w me ( which he has always hated, but did it) and of course I wanted sweet and personable. We got every bit of that and more. His brother and he were shipped together and the brothers owner wanted a rambunctious dog that could hold his own with their older female dog who is very alpha. And that is exactly what she got.
We have the same breeder for the next doodle and all I said was I want a cuddlier this time, and white! And I am writing this with her practically in my lap as I rub her. So our breeder was spot on twice. I feel a good breeder will know their pups well enough in 8 weeks to tell you more about them than you can tell in a few short visits. But then again, I've never had to go pick one, so who knows. I really believe you get the dog you need.

I looked at their feet. How shaggy they already were at a young age. How they acted when I called them ,and how they interacted with their litter mates. I have three Doodles and all have great personalities and are very loving to me and each other.

Good luck! jack was last choice!!! You knkw the saying save the best form,sat!, well!!! Just saying

I agree with everyone about really listening to what the breeder has to say about each pup, their personality differences, and their interaction with other dogs and people.  When we were looking for our doodle, I spent a lot of time talking to the breeder about eventually doing therapy work with the pup.  Our family kept focusing on one pup from the litter (based on pictures and small personality snippets the breeder posted about each pup) and initially thought we would choose him when we went for a visit.  While meeting the pups in person, our breeder suggested we also look at his littermate who she thought might be a better fit for us.  We spent time with the female she recommended and left a little confused but the selection process wasn't for another two weeks.  We went back to the breeder two weeks later and spent time with each pup.  It was obvious at that point that the pup she recommended was just what we were looking for as far as personality, friendliness, activity level.   Bridget has been the perfect addition to our family and she is a magnificent therapy dog!  I definitely have my breeder to thank for steering us in the right direction :)

I agree with Laurie.  Be candid and clear with the breeder about what you're looking for in terms of temperament.  The breeder knows these pups' personalities better than anyone.  Will your dog be around a lot of people or not so much.  If you have children, the shyest or the most dominant might not be the best choice.  Do you want a snuggler or a more independent sort.  Does a pup "settle" when you hold it? Observe them for awhile. Handle them.  Observe some more. I looked at several litters before I found my pup.  It's just the way it worked out. Relax, and take your time.  You'll know :)  I'm so excited for you.  Good luck 

LOL Sandy, same with Finn.  He'd sleep on his back like a baby in your arms -and he still would if he wasn't so big now.

My breeder did temperament testing and based on that and her observations I chose Rosco out of a litter of 4.  Turned out great.  He was indeed the mellow guy he was described as being.



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