Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Finally a name that my family could agree on: "Dougie" (Dug-e). Now I can order a cute collar with his name on it:)))
UPDATE 2: I RECEIVED AN EMAIL FROM THE BREEDER, TODAY, CONFIRMING THAT THE CHOCOLATE BOY IS MINE!! I believe that she saw the connection too and knew that he was my FAVORITE PUP :)))) I AM THRILLED, NOW WE NEED TO NAME HIM, LOL. Thanks for all of the support and wonderful comments. Side note: Looks like we will be driving to get our pup after all. USAirways pet carrier dimensions are too small--15L x 14W x 8H--no jets from Hartford Int'l to Philly Int'l, only small planes :((( Well, I am sure that our pup will make the ride VERY interesting to say the least.
I am not yet home but I just had to give an update about my visit today...IT WAS PERFECT!! (Except for the drive to MA--HORRIBLE. The heavy rain caused flooding on the interstate that turned our 5 hr trip into an 8.5 hr trip. Needless to say, my DH will be flying to MA to pick up our puppy)
I was able to cuddle/play with every single pup and we narrowed it down to 3-- (1) the male pup; (2) a curly black girl; and (3) a cute apricot/red girl. We will know which pup is ours on Wednesday. Names for a boy: Dexter "Dex", Bodhi, Carter and Reuben. Names for a girl: Charlie, Frankie and Taylor.
If we could, we would take both parents, Paloma and Dashiell, home with us too. They were so well mannered and mild tempered. Dashielle gave me the biggest Doodle hug ever. I didn't want to let him go :)))))). My DH was extremely impressed with the parents and went outside to spend more time with them after the pups began to tire out.
Sunny, the breeder, was great. She answered our questions regarding temperament, testing, etc. for an entire hour. All of the pups were pooped out by the end of our visit; all, but one, had fallen asleep. I sorta felt sorry for the next couple but I am sure that the puppies were able to find another burst of energy. The male pup was soooo tired that two other pups were playing on top of the bed that he had fallen asleep under. (I took photos of this, I hope that they aren't blurry).
I will post pics as soon as I get home--next 20 min or so. However, I am not sure how many of them are good. Those pups were fast and would not hold still for more than a few seconds at a time. I have so much respect for those of you who are able to post great pics of your Doodles. Plus, I was busy hugging, kissing and falling in love...
Thanks for reading the book--pics are coming later tonight.
Chocolate Male--Look at those eyes... and curly black female pup (My 1 & 2 picks)
Cuddle time with the male:
Playful black female pup--notice the pup sleeping beneath the pillow.
Curly Chocolate female
She is so mild mannered.
My son's 2d favorite, the apricot/red female pup.
The lovely cream pup...
Annoying the sleepy male pup--the first to conk out, LOL!!
Having fun on top of "sleepy head"
Mama Paloma & Papa Dashiell--Sunny said they are off to get hair cuts soon, LOL!!
Dashiell shook his head just as my DH snapped the photo...
Smart woman. I will be doing that for our next Doodle :)))
Yay! Thanks so much for sharing all the sweet puppy pics....Lupin is growing up too fast (and sometimes not fast enough) and she's out of that really small puppy stage. The momma and daddy are beautiful dogs and I'm sure your pup will be equally gorgeous.
Congratulations to you and Dougie!! I'm glad the committee was able to come to an agreement on a very cute name! Now let the shopping begin!!
Looove the name!
I love the name Dougie. He may be a chilled and stylish kind of a guy and teach you how to Dougie!! LOL.
Funny you should say that because my kids kept singing, "Teach me how to Dougie, teach me, teach me how to Dougie." I was just thrilled to see that they finally agreed on something.
Yay Dougie!!! so excited that you picked a name for your chocolate heart:-) where will you order the personalized collar from? I need one for Seamus as a backup!
I have been looking at personalized collars on this website:
I plan to do a search in the discussion forum for other suggestions prior to making a final decision.
Those collars are so cute. I do have one thought, though. I've read that the rolled leather collars are better for doodles because they tend not to cause matting around the neck as much as a flat collar does. Anyone have any info about this? I, too, am beginning to look for "big dog" collars as our boys grow.
BTW - Adrienne - love the name. He is so cute. I still say, though, that once you actually get him, you will be able to see if the name fits him the way you want it to. But - I'll bet it will. :)
I use rolled leather collars on my doodles as their stay on at all times collars. I only switch them on rare occasions if they are going to the beach or getting groomed. I use prong collars in addition when walking the dogs. I like the rolled leather, inexpensive and my dogs have each only had one so Luca's is going on 5 years. As to the matting, the mat somewhat less now that they are older. They still tend to get matts sometimes behind their ears, I just cut them out.
Great advice about the collars--I will check the other sites as well. I didn't think about the matting aspect... I was going to get an adjustable one for now and then invest in a really nice leather one later. Joyce you also bring up a good point regarding holding off on the "name collar" just in case the name doesn't sit well with me once I bring him home.
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