Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Wanted regal and pretty

This is what I got back. They even did this fox tail thing to her tail when I said do not trim her tail. I am buying a grooming table, dryer, and all the tools needed to learn and groom at home. Maybe to save time she can go get a bath and a brush out but I think hat may be the extent out outside grooming for sophie. The it will grow back in ad we can try again line came up. It took all my strength to not reach over with clippers shave a line down her head and say don't worry honey it will grow back. If you cant do what the customer wants be honest before you try to cut not after.



Views: 1906

Replies to This Discussion

Lucy is just so gorgeous!  But that before pic----oh, my.

Hi Pat, yeah, we thought that too. Everyone told us it would grow out fast, but time just crawled. It took many weeks before I got over the shock. It's funny, but if it happened again, I doubt it would phase me much. Been there, done that. No biggie!

What I don't get is that you gave the groomer the picture! Is she blind? I just hate when groomers do their own thing. No worries, though. The hair will be back in no time, you've got a couple of months to find a different groomer before you learn to do everything by yourself. I'm just not handy enough (and a big chicken) to groom the boys myself, but then again, if our groomer sucked and I was not able to find anyone better, I would seriously consider doing it myself.

She is still a cutie, though. I love her color.

I love your hardwood floors! And seriously, I think she's still super cute.

why thank you. we were very happy when we found them under 3 layers of linoleum. They are red pine with a mahogany Jacobean mix of stain.

Sorry you had a bad groomer.... hmm, or stupid ? Unfortunately, as you know, you can't fix stupid !

I do think Sophie looks very nice ! However I would be angry because they did not listen to what you requested, or worse yet showed them. I would have been furious at the flippant attitude and remark about it will grow back. Duh, yes it will grow back, but that doesn't negate the fact that she screwed up and did what you didn't want !

So lets look at a couple of positives about this cut. #1, you won't have to invest in another haircut for awhile, and #2 this is a great cut for a swimming doodle ! #3 She will be loving this on a very hot day. #4, it will be much easier to apply a flea and tick killer/repellant.

Hang in there and give Sophie lots of hugs !

It is true dry time should be very short. We will have to get her a little pool to play in before it grows back out.

It's always a guessing game when we pick up are pets from the groomers... SURPRISE !

I can see why you are unhappy with the cut.  It isn't a good one. But she does look very soft and velvety, and her coat is a lovely color.  It won't be long before she grows out just enough for this to be a bad memory.

it is one way to see that her coat hasn't started to lighten up yet but a little drastic. It is soft but just a little to short so its more rough because of the length. in about 2 weeks it will be close to a crushed velvet feel.

Very frustrating. She is still a beautiful doodle. She does look embarrassed in the photo. I hated Zoe's first cut. They left her ling but shaved around her eyes and across the bridge of her nose. Instead of the cute black and white curls ( the hairs clump into locks by color, so there is a black curl next to a white curl), between her eyes and on her forehad she was white with black spots! I did not take a photo because I hated it so much. But it grew back and the next cut, we got a recommendation from a friend with doodles who understand "the look.". Zoe was by then getting her adult coat and the puppy coat and adult coat were very matted together, right at the skin. The groomer apologized and said she had no choice bit to shave her. She suggested more frequent brushing and maintenance grooming to avoid the mats and keep the coat longer. We got used to the skinny Zoe and it grew in quickly. I know right now that is not what you want to hear, but given the health scare you just had with Sophie, this really isn't a tragedy in the grand scheme of things!

Sophie is still gorgeous, but I do understand your frustration with someone who does not follow instructions NOR REFER TO THE PHOTO.  Bob, maybe you can groom my Dougie when it is time for his first cut.  I am dreading taking him to the groomer.  I have heard so many stories like this one.  



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