Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

It sounded too good to be true. A long while back I bought PetzLife but I did not try it. But the plaque on Calla's teeth was getting bad and her breath--well. So about a week ago I started using the gel twice, now once, a day on her teeth. She doesn't like it, nothing new in that but she doesn't raise too much of a fuss. Her teeth look significantly better and her breath smells good! I would recommend this to all. If we can avoid having the cost of scaling and risks of anesthesia it is really a good idea. And nowadays peridontal disease is blamed for almost everything.

I got mine through Amazon. BTW, I belong to Amazon Prime which gives me free 2 day shipping on many things and to me is well worth it. IF you go through the DK link, which I have on my toolbar you even help doodles. My commercial endorsements are done for the day : )


Amazon PetzLife link

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I just ordered some through amazon (I am also an amazon prime member!).  I hope this helps Tacky's teeth (and Peri's, but hers are pretty good right now).

I am ordering this. Winston's teeth are attrocious. I can't wait to try it! thank you for the recommendation.

I am so glad to hear about something that works.  I haven't been able to find any recommendations for a product. My Dolly started having plaque issues within a month of getting her adult teeth so I try to brush them often but I don't really see any improvement.  Do you just use the gel or do you have the spray as well?  Thanks so much for this posting.

I have only used the gel. I just don't think the spray could work because the gel seems to work where I put it despite what the web site says about the dog's licking spreading it around. Not fun, the dogs don't like me doing it. But it's quick and I'm now doing it about every other night, so not too bad.

I got mine in the mail yesterday. can't wait to try it!

Anyone else having success with this?


At Spud's vet visit today I showed the vet his canines.   He smiled and said, " Looks like Retriever and Poodle teeth to me.  Very worn down.  Let them wear down. He will be fine" 

So much for that.  I asked about future crowns, etc. I got a big smile.  He said, NO.  He will be fine.

Still, we will not be using any tennis balls for play.   I can't wait to try the above product.  It is on my list.

That's good news.

Really good to hear, thanks for that Joanne!

And I just found your thread now when I search for petzlife vs my original search of vetzlife.    : )

I will look for this at my Food store

I use a dental tool to scrape the tartar off as well as brushing periodically. 

F, are you still using this stuff?  Does it really work? I just came across it and am thinking about getting it for my two?



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