Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So, every Friday Libby goes to doggie day care.  This has been the routine for several years.  Over the past year, she has evidently decided that she doesn't want to go, because she refuses to get in her mother's car.  It takes a good 15 minutes to coax her (or pull her) into the car.  She loves the people at day care - I pick her up every week and she's all over the girls and in no rush to leave - and she loves playing with the other dogs, so I don't get it.  Her mom hasn't taken her for awhile for several different reasons, but I know that one of the reasons is that she feels horrible forcing her to go.  When I watch Libby while my friend is away and I have to take her to day care, she is somewhat hesitant to get in the car but I have much less trouble.  I think it's a matter of establshing who is really in charge, but any suggestions would be appreciated (before my poor friend has a nervous breakdown)!  Thanks!


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It sounds like it is an issue with getting in the car.  Not daycare.  Does she ever go for rides besides going to daycare?

Yes, she goes on lots of rides and is very good in the car.  I've taken her to NY, which is a 2 1/2 hour ride, and she's fine.  And if you ask her if she wants to go see Eddie (her doodle  boyfriend), she runs to the car and practically drives the car herself.  But her mom doesn't want to say that and then take her to day care.  I think she just wants to stay at home with her mom and she seems to know that if it's the morning and her mom wants her to get in the car, she's going to day care.

How is she when walking into daycare?

If she is not OK with that, my thought would be that there is an issue with the daycare.  If she is OK with that then I think the issue is something else - like not wanting to be away from home, etc.  I don't think it is a "who's in charge" issue.  Dog are very smart.

We went to take Boomer& Shayna to a groomer - Boomer would not go in - he dug his heals in - we didn't take him in.  Shayna went and the groomer nicked her twice - getting an infection.  Maybe a coincidence but Boomer is our "easy going" guy.

Sometimes she walks right in and other times she sits down in the parking lot.  If we drop the leash and keep on walking, she usually trots right up to the door as soon as we're out of her sight.  Her tail is always wagging once they open the door and she walks in.

It sure sounds like she doesn't want to go to daycare.  Maybe its because she wants to stay home with mom.  Maybe she doesn't care for all the excitement or over stimulation of daycare. It could be too exhausting. She could be wagging her tail and in a state of excitement but not necessarily enjoying it or wanting to be dragged through the ringer.

Why does she go every week for years?  Could she go somewhere quiet instead of daycare?

She used to go a few times a week, now just once.  Her mom works from home and she initially started taking her so that Libby could socialize with other dogs, which she does like, and just for a break in routine.  I'm going to talk to the people at the day care today when I pick her up to see if her behavior there has changed over time.  Libby loves playing with other dogs generally speaking.  It's very confusing!  Thanks.

Good idea.  Maybe she is just older and doesn't need so much activity?  What used to be fun could be stressful now.

My two guys go to Daycare once a week too.  Guinness trots down the stairs and anxiously jumps into the car...tail wagging.  Murph is another story.  If my DH is the one taking him, he'll call his name and Murph will not move a muscle.  After several more "calls" DH has to drag him by the collar and lift him into the car.  If I'm taking him, I stand at the bottom of the stairs, say "Murphy come", and he trots right down to the garage door ready to go.  That may say a little about the "establishing who's in charge concept".  Oh, and they both seem to love Daycare....I watch them on the video and they're running around and playing.

Jane, that just made me laugh.  I do think it's partly a "who's the boss" situation, and also that she is very attached to her mom.  So I think it's good for her to go once a week.  The girls at the day care told me that she plays with the other dogs, but sometimes she just lays around.  I see pictures on their website and she looks fine.  Thanks!

Sounds like an "in charge" situation!  Our Libby started that when going to the groomer at first, but we were consistant with our commands and now when we say "Marilyn" (her groomer) she can't get to the door and car fast enough:)  Love these Doodles:)



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