Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

If some of you could share your after neutering experiences in behavior I would be very grateful. I know that testosterone is stored in the body for up to three months after surgery so I am not expecting results right away, just want to know there is light at the end of the tunnel. My male doodle is biting, jumping, and barking constantly. 7 and a half months old.


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Well, yes, it will help some but so will time--he is still a pup and they are naturally more energetic--but first and foremost, it sounds like your dog needs TRAINING--if you have not brought the pup to several training classes to learn how to control his behavior and help him to learn self-control, then you need to start NOW. There are many wonderful ways for you and your pup to learn the techniques of positive dog training and the longer you wait, the harder it will be to gain control. 

True enough. Luca still jumped and nipped at that age and he was neutered around 11 weeks. We got through it with training, management and maturation.
It wasn't so much neutering that calmed Brinkley down. Time was more of what did it; however, after surgery he did stop attempting to pee on little boys. :) He is still very active but he no longer has the constant need to play. It goes in spurts.

There has been a little rash of discussions about naughty 7 month old pups. No one has mentioned it yet, but your doodle is in adolescence when he is testing everything he has ever learned and more! Hang in there. This too will pass with hard work and consistency. It sounds like you are on the right track with classes and a trainer and daily lessons. This is a hard stage to deal with, but you are heading through the rough patch to a better behaved pup with all you are doing to keep above the fray!

When does the adolescence stage usually end?

Stanlee's hasn't ended yet....LOL

Well, it depends... Owen was better at a year but much better at 2 1/2. That's not very encouraging though. Lol. :(

Ok guys....I needed better news than this!  :)  You could have lied and given me a little hope.  ha ha!

Stanlee was born perfect and never does anything wrong.

Hang in there ...Violet is going to be 1 August 18.. and I have notice QUITE  a change... she ...too ...had many issues ,,BAD biting ... not nipping BITING weill get better !! I know coming here with all the help and experience it helped me a lot ....good luck !

Training helps with the behavior described. Work on it with a professional and at home work on training daily.
I love my little hyper boy. That first year was hard but I remember the good times more.
Exercise is your savior! These are retrievers and most need to retrieve! So go out hourly and throw a ball. Every hour on the hour. Work that dog.
Go buy some toys you love and have fun with this hyper baby.

Yeah sounds to me like he's a puppy ;)

Luna was a handful until she was about a year old, then she settled considerably.  



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