Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We took Quincy on his usual route this morning-both of us as my DH is getting back into walking, but not strong enough to go it alone.  We did walk a bit slower than when it is just Quincy and me, but not so much off the pace.  When we were about 500 yards from our house, Quincy laid down right in the middle of the road.  Plop!  Then he would not move!  I pulled, he did not budge!  I called his name, offered the kibble he eats from my side as we walk, cajoled some more- NOPE he did not budge.  Some neighbors were looking out from their deck and asked if we needed help!  My husband was about to go get the car...and Quincy just stayed put!  Finally, I started to run and bones got up and followed me.  Very strange!  

He has done this in the past when he wanted to go play with another dog walking the other way or someone walking by-but has not done that recently.  I have, I hope, broke him of that by putting him in a sit and feeding him the kibble.  This was for no apparent reason other than he did not feel like walking anymore.  Strange boy1  


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Oh my goodness Lori...that must have been scary at first.  When they are so big and you just can't budge them on your own.  Good for you for keeping your wits about you and rewarding the positive behaviour!  

I hope I don't offend you but I think this is quite funny. Perhaps it is because none of my dogs has ever done this, but I can picture myself tugging and pulling and the neighbors laughing at me.

No offense! it was funny! the neighbors certainly thought so too!  

OMD!!  I'm laughing--in sympathy, believe me!  Trav did that for a while, though he might have been a bit younger.  It was so frustrating and embarrassing!  Plop.  Through walking now.    LOL

I found that if I nudged him in the butt, he leaped to his feet.  Just a little nudge, but I'd never done that before, and it worked to get him on his feet!

If there is a next time, it's gonna be a butt nudge!  a gentle one, but a butt nudge!  

I can totally relate to this situation Lori because Seamus has done the same exact thing.  It was  very clever of you to start running as most dogs love to chase their owners. Seamus once plopped down in the middle of an obedience class for our neighbor's dog.  The trainer said to lightly nudge him (he wears the gentle leader) and he did follow. I don't  like pulling him but i always feared he would stop in the middle of traffic. Thankfully he never did that. I use lots of praise and positive reinforcement when he walks and checks in with me;-)

Quincy wears the gentle leader too- I did not gently (though I did not hurt him) but he just slid!  It was in the middle of the road, fortunately not a very busy one.  The idea to run was because I had tried everything else first! 

I had my iphone but did not think to memorialize it!  Hope there's not a next time, but we'll see!  

My dogs have also done this but under a shade tree when it is hot outside.  When they have gone as far as they would like they lie down and will not get up until they feel like it.  Groucho has also done it when his feet were hurting.  He just laid down and refused to get up.  He wanted to be carried and he is a big dog.  We were on bikes and my husband recovering from a broken shoulder, but we did carry him across the handlebars and he didn't seem to mind at all.  They can be so strange.

One of the pups from Lyric's last litter does this and has done it from day 1--something may have spooked him a bit--and he just decided that going on was not a good idea! It is weird and I have no solution for you--I am not sure what the puppy's owner will do when he is too big to carry!

Libby does this sometimes when we walk her, but she just stops and sits, does not lay down.  With her I wait a few minutes and tell her we are almost home and she gets up.  It is usually around the corner from our house and the same spot every time.  They are so smart these Doodles:)  I can see why it scared you, they laying down would have panicked me!

It's true, our Libbys have a lot in common.  Libby does this too, mostly when it's a bit on the warm side (and yes, I always bring water for her) and she just decides to stop and watch the world go by.  She will also do this when she wants to go in a different direction.  She gets up pretty quickly, unless she thinks she's going to doggie day care.  :)

It must be something with the name:)  



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