Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Bentley (9 1/2 months old) currently sleeps on the floor. He doesn't seem to mind it but all I keep thinking is that winter time will come around and the floor will be to cold. We tried getting him a bed but all he does is hump and chew on it ( he is

I was thinking about getting him a cot. They had one at our training sessions and he seemed to like it. My husband thinks that he doesn't need anything. He is a dog and they like the floor. I think he just doesn't want to spend the money. Lol

Any suggestions?? Should I bother getting a cot at all. I have tried putting a blanket on the sofa for him to stay on and all he does is pull it off and chew on it. My husband doesn't want him on the sofa unless something is covering it.

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I think most doodles prefer a cold surface.  My guy sleeps on the porcelain shower floor or on tile. He does jump up on the bed once in awhile but the majority of the time he is in the shower...I am guessing a cot would be a waste-but let's hear what others have to say.  

I bought a small cat bed for Arty (cat) he humped it so I gave it to Violet (puppy) when I first got her...she chewed it so I took it away from she sleep on it in her pen while I work next to her.. in the crate she only sleeps on the crate floor ..always has because she would eat towels...I think they can sleep on anything !

Meg is spoiled so she has a soft foam fuzzy covered bed upstairs, but if I sleep in the spare room she sleeps on that bed with me and takes the Doodle share of the bed.  Downstairs she sleeps beside me on the couch, on my lap on the couch, on her Coolaroo sling bed in front of the fan, on top of the AC vent and on the kitchen floor.  I think it really doesn't matter, they just like to sleep and their favorite spot is generally somewhere near you.

My vote is, don't waste your money... lol.. My Lucy didn't leave a mat alone until she was about 1-1/2yrs old. Now, since its Summer, she sleeps without one on her crate floor (but she also sleeps with us in our bed at night). In the winter I put a fleece pad in her crate and she seems to like it. Oscar, our 11 mo. old doodle, hasn't 'graduated' to a mat yet and won't get one for several months (on a trial period, of course). He destroyed everything I put in his crate when he was younger. I really think dogs (especially younger ones) prefer cool, hard surfaces.

Salvador, who will be 7 months next week, is still in his crate and does have a towel and a thin mat down and has never chewed them. I've debated this back and forth too-bed or no bed.  But I think I'm going to go with a no bed.  He doesn't even like to really lay on the carpet to sleep and never sleeps on the couch or bed (he's only allowed up if he's been invited up-sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't!).  He stays in the kitchen when I'm gone (the crate is not in the kitchen) and I tried putting down a folded blanket for him, and all he does with it is hump it... ugh...  And he's never really been a fan of his crate, though, he's much more willing to go in it now that he stays in the kitchen then he did when he stayed in it while I was at work. 

Don't know that this helped, but it's all the information I have :)

Thank you all.....I was concerned he wouldn't be comfy but you all are right. They will find the right spot for them. Love that I'm part of DK!!! I get great info and advice!

My dogs go back and forth between the floor (carpet/rug), hardwoods and their dog beds.  I think it's nice to have a dog bed around as sometimes they do like the cushier nap.  But it doesn't have to be the most expensive one out there.  Something with memory foam chunks in it is what I like--it's firm but cushy.

We had a little plush bed - destroyed quickly. Tried a cushy mat type bed, I have to sew up a corner on it.  Tried old towels and old sheets in her crate - those were mostly successful, she eventually chewed up.  We got her a Coolaroo type bed for the back yard and she loves it - I mean, loves it! At first she was obsessed with it. Now she lays in grass, dirt, on pavers, porch, but still loves that bed. It's only for short term as she does not live outside.

Inside she is fine on a rug, a floor, and has no objection to the bare crate at night. When winter comes I may try again a sheet or pad in crate, but otherwise it's going to be a while - if at all - before she gets a bed. She's all over the place, happy to land wherever we are.  Rare have any of our dogs ever had a bed.

I loathe foam beds - too many chemicals and can't wash them very well, not to mention if they chew that stuff does not go down well.   Depending on the size of dog, you can stuff an old pillow case with towels and make a bed - not much expense, dog does not care, and if chewed easily damage control.



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