Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
This afternoon I felt a small bump on my the upper back of my 10 month old mini dood, Beau, while I was just casually petting him. I began to look a little harder and noticed it was a small black thing, about the size of the end of a one-click pen. At first I thought it was dirt because it was disintegrating as I touched it, but then realized that it had a head still attached. We're located in a coastal region in southern California that hasn't had any major tick health bulletins issued and this is the first tick I've ever found on him. He takes Comfortis monthly for fleas and have just read online now that it can also work to kill ticks.
I removed the tick and cleaned the area immediately, but I'm still looking for some information since this is my first encounter with this sort of thing. I don't know how fast the oral flea/tick meds kill a pest once it's latched on, the warning signs of tick-related issues, etc. I just groomed him this morning (fully brushed him and trimmed his fur) and didn't notice it then. I would prefer not to have to take him in to see his vet if this is something common among other doggie parents (I'm a newbie and trying not to be an alarmist!) and I'm weighing all the facts (that the tick was small, dead, and either not present or noticeable less than 12 hours ago). He is playful and acting like his normal dood self.
Any advice or information would be much appreciated!
Julia & Beau
Comfortis does nothing for ticks. This is taken from a vets website:
"If your dog has exposure to ticks – Comfortis does nothing to kill ticks so if your pet gets ticks on it occasionally, Comfortis would not be our first choice of flea prevention for your pet; we would recommend Frontline Plus since it kills ticks."
I would consult your vet and perhaps go on antibiotic in case the tick was carrying any of the tick borne diseases.
We use Frontline Plus, but still have found ticks on our dogs. My understanding is that once the tick comes in contact with your pet's hair and skin they die. I do just what you did. I pull them out and clean the area. I also have my dogs vaccinated against Lyme's disease since we do have deer ticks in our area. Ticks are fairly common in our area and while I hate them, it is just a fact of life when you have dogs here. If it makes you feel better to call the vet to double check then I would do it.
I just use soap and water and a dab of triple antibiotic ointment, but I am no expert. Here is just one link I found about removing a tick.
Yep! Mild soap and water and just a swipe of triple antibiotic ointment seemed to do the trick- I saw that recommended by many others online as well.
Comfortis does not work on ticks. When Charlie got his first tick our vet switched him to Vectra 3D. It seems to work great for both fleas and ticks. I would call your vet in the morning and explain to them what you found and follow their advice.
I use Frontline Plus for Camus. He is tick magnet, which I found out early on, but Frontline Plus does the trick.
Thanks everyone for your replies! The site looks to be healing fine, but I will call my vet in the morning and check with them about possibly switching from Comfortis to a pill that will cover both fleas and ticks. I'll also make sure to ask if they would recommend antibiotics, given the situation. The area that we live in is known for mostly fleas (and sand fleas- yuck!) but not ticks, so I'll inquire about their thoughts for a longer term prevention plan for Beau.
So happy to have this Doodle community for support, I really appreciate all the input!
Hi Beau, You are a cutie! Stay away from those ticks :)
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