Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

1. Lovers’ heartbeats synchronise when they stare into each other’s eyes.

Scientists got 32 couples to sit and face each other for three minutes (not all at the same time, we presume). After the time was up, the heart rates of the couples were in sync. They didn’t sync for people not involved in romantic relationships.

2. That warm feeling you get when you read nice messages from your friends and family actually makes you feel warmer.

3. Expressing your gratitude to other people has been shown to make you happier.

So has writing down three good things about your day every evening.

4. Lions cuddle and rub heads to maintain their friendships.

5. Whales and dolphins have been known to have interspecies friendships.

6. Humpback whales form lifelong friendships.

7. Even sharks make friends.

8. There’s a nebula that looks like a manatee, so scientists renamed it the Manatee Nebula in a special ceremony.

9. Astronauts grew a rose in space just to see if it would smell different than a rose on Earth.

And it did! Volatile compounds that make a flower smell a certain way act differently in microgravity.


10. Falling in love raises levels of nerve growth factor, a protein important for maintaining the central nervous system.

11. Chimpanzees build a new tree nest to sleep in every night and use the softest leaves as a pillow.

12. Science has shown that some things are just so cute you can’t help but want to squeeze them.

13. This Californian sea lion can keep a beat.

She’s called Ronan and is the first nonhuman mammal to demonstrate this ability.

(p.s.) did any of you get the Poo Potpourri Ad before this video? WTD?  LOL


14. Dung beetles can use the Milky Way to navigate.

15. This loggerhead turtle was given prosthetic flippers after losing her own, and now she can swim again.

16. During the Ice Age, 32,000 years ago, a squirrel buried a seed. Now the seed has been used to grow a flower.

17. And of course, almost every element in your body was made in an exploding star.

Which means we really are all made of stardust.

Credit to: BuzzFeed UK

I love you, too

Views: 268

Replies to This Discussion

They didnt add the findings of what dogs and our DK friendships do to our lives. They should have but we already know this is fact.

You took the words right out of my mouth! :)

Thank you, Joanne. Love all of these random facts... and DK friends!

Wow. I loved the sea loon and I will have to check out all the other links soon. Th nks for posting. It,s nice to see this group perking up for fall. : )

Great post- thanks for sharing

Love this post, Joanne. It was just what I needed this morning! 

Sea loon, Oh my doodle, what this iPad says.

Fun post.  Love the prosthetic flipper story.  Thanks.

Thanks, Joanne!  I love these science facts.



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