Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I just chose my first mini goldendoodle, he's six weeks old.
I've always thought I might want two. He has one sister left. Any thoughts,suggestions would be be appreciated about getting his sister now instead of waiting another year or so.

Pro and cons would be really appreciated.


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I think six weeks is way too young to leave a litter and I am confused as to why the breeder let them go home so early? Also from what I understand it is not a good idea to get litter mates..sometimes they fight as they get older and it can get real bad to where one needs to be rehomed ........

Congratulations of your baby.....did he come from a breeder?

He is soooo cute!  I have only the one-so hard to weigh in on this. I am sure others will give you good advice! 

Is he still with the litter?  He is very young.  

First of all, the pic of the pup (boy or girl?) is simply adorable!. I can only speak to having 2 doodles years apart, not 2 puppies. I would say if you can afford all the expenses of 2 puppies, and have had 2 dogs at the same time before and have a lot of experience with puppies and training, then maybe 2 puppies wouldn't be such a bad idea (I'm sorry, that came out sounding a little negative). From what I've heard, having 2 puppies makes training very hard (not to mention hard on you!). And potty training!! One alone will be a handful! What I loved about getting a puppy when Lucy was 3 was that Lucy did a lot of the house rule training. She taught by example. Oscar watched Lucy (and still does) and follows her lead. We had none of the destroying of rugs and other household items that we'd had with Lucy as a pup. She entertained Oscar, too, and I think that may have helped to keep him out of trouble. I also love that having Oscar helps to keep Lucy young. She seems to have a puppy play spirit that was rarely seen before Oscar's arrival.

Having 2 (any age) means twice the expense in food, medical expenses/insurance costs, gear and toys, monthly flea, tick and heartworm prevention, grooming costs and car space. All that really adds up.

Only you can make the decision on whether to get 2 puppies. You need to ask yourself if you're prepared financially to provide for 2 as you could 1, and if you have the energy and time for 2 puppies. Good luck!

Good question... I had assumed you'd only chosen, not actually taken a puppy home yet. 6 weeks is too young to be taken from it's mother/littermates.

Sorry I wasn't clear, I only made my choice today, I won't bring him home until he is 8 1/2 weeks old.
And yes he is from a breeder.

This seems to be a hot topic lately.  Just discussed it yesterday on FB.  I personally have done it both ways.  We originally got liter mate sisters.  Then after loosing one of them at 5 y/o we recently got little AnnaBelle and are now doing the one puppy thing (with an older sibling).  Which was easier ... hands down the puppy and the 5 year old.  That being said it could just have to do with the temperments of the various puppies.  My questions to you would be do you and your husband have EXTRA TIME?  The first year is going to be pretty hectic.  I will give a little in that yours are Mini's, but is that going to be 15 lb minis or 35 lb minis?  DH and I were both not working when we got our girls so we had lots of time to devote to training classes which they were in continuously from 3 months to about a year old.  We both attended and we each worked with both dogs.  We trained a lot outside of class.  After getting them we heard a lot about not getting liter mates.  We had just always heard if you are going to get two, get them at the same time so that is sort of what we were going for.  I honestly don't think that we had any problems with ours being liter mates (although I know it can be a problem).  But for me now that I see how AnnaBelle is as a single puppy and even how Lucy is becoming without Sophie, I think there might be something to be said for they are more attached to each other if there are two than if there is just one.  AnnaBelle always wants to sit with me.  Lucy always layed on the floor by me and Sophie would lay at the other end of the Sofa or sit with Mike on the Love Seat.  Now I find that Lucy comes and sits beside me sometimes.  She even came over the other day and jumped up and laid her head right on top of my laptop.  That really touched me.  So, I'm not sure if it has anything to do with liter mates or temperament but it was very different for me.  I'm not sure what point you are at in your lives, young and newly married or becoming empty nesters, but please try and think of the cost factor for the long term.  Two dogs is a lot of money these days.  Getting pet insurance is a must in my opinion and two premiums can get costly particularly as they age as it goes up each year.  Premium dog food costs times two, heart worm, shots, you name it, all times two.  If you both work, daycare might be necessary and would be double, boarding is really expensive if you don't have family or friends around.  It is a lot to think about ... definitely not an impulse purchase item.  You have done well to take a step back and give it lots of thought first.

Thank you all for your thoughtful answers. I would dearly love to get the second puppy also, but I guess there is no rush, I can always add the second one later... It's just that I had such a hard time choosing, and always wanted two.

FYI, these minis are in the 25-35# weight range, my husband and I are both still working, he from home, and me 3 days a week, so it wouldn't be terribly difficult. Oh my, am I talking myself into it again?
Oh good ! I was worried you had the puppy already......thank goodness.......I personally only had one at a time..and I loved the one on one bonding .... Good luck with your decision !
I've only had my two 18 months apart and my husband is retired and I only work 3 days a week. I personally would not want to have two puppies at one time. Regardless of the ideas about them not getting along later, as that can happen with any two dogs at any time, it just exhausts me thinking about all the work two would be. For that matter, my next dog, when we are down to one again, will be an older adoption. My two cents..... Enjoy one at a time and the right one will appear when it's time for a second.

I've thought about this too, when we're down to 1. An older adoption sounds like a really good idea (I've been inspired by jenn D's story regarding her recent addition of Jake) . I don't ever want to go through the puppy stage again. Getting through that first year (both times) was really hard.

Get her NOW. Two are easier to potty train now instead of"all over again" They can still be together...

Now that is one cute puppy!

We've had 2 dogs many times, but never litter mates.  Whenever we added a new puppy, it was such a thrill & a happy time for all.  If I were you, I'd wait so you can thoroughly enjoy each one instead of perhaps being overwhelmed while 2 are young together.

Good luck with your decision :)



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