Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So awfully difficult to write about -- I've not been on the site in ages; things had been going so well with our 3 1/2 yr old chocolate mini-Australian labradoodle. His pictures don't even do him justice. We get stopped every time we go out with him; he is just so adorable and sweet natured. But we were shocked and devastated to learn last week of his diagnosis - I can even feel his enlarged lymph nodes I'm waiting for a call back from a recommended oncologist tomorrow; even had a homeopath friend check with some of her colleagues here and all advised the same. Have to wonder if/what others have experienced. I want to give Bosco a fighting chance IF it's reasonable to do so. I read of one other Labradoodle who went through chemo and the results - which I know is not curative, only palliative. Our hearts are just breaking. 

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I am very sorry to hear this. I think you need to talk with the oncologist to get the facts and go from there.

I know - I wasn't even going to post anything about this until then. I spent so much time with Bosco today -- I am having a hard time remaining fully present right now. 

It is very difficult I am sure.

I'm very sorry.

I'm so sorry, and hope you get some good advice from the oncologist. Please keep us posted.
Gentle ((HUGS)) to you both. I went through this with one of my Goldens about 10 years ago. Remember, each and every case and dog is different. We started Chemo, but I just couldn't make him go through the ordeal. It made him very, very ill. The Vet was extremely upset with me and said I wasn't giving him a fighting chance. He predicted he'd have 6 mos to a year. I figured II would make it he best 6 mos of his life and treat him as the King he was. 3 years later and at the age of 15 he let me know it was his time. Get all the facts first and then weigh all your options. Bosco is very young and may have a really good chance for a long life with you. Keep us posted.

That's encouraging to hear, Ro, thank you. What's on my mind right now is we recently returned from visiting my youngest in Argentina - he'll be home himself in a few weeks and is longing to see the pup he helped train. Then my son and his wife from NY are coming out for T'giving with their King Chas. Cavalier as we've planned to spend the holiday all together at a lovely dog friendly inn a 2 hour drive south of our home -- these are a few 'short-term' goals I'm aiming for. I'm going to stay optimistic and no matter what continue to give Bosco the love and comfortable life he deserves. 

YES! That's the attitude you'll need! Here's hoping and praying, for a fun filled , dog friendly holiday(s) for you and yours.

I'm so sorry to hear this news. No advice but please know we are ready to walk this journey with you whatever path it takes.  Hugs to you both and little Bosco.

I'm so sorry. Ricki is right, we are all here with prayers and support for you and Bosco. 

I'm so sorry.  No advice but sending hugs to you and Bosco. 

Sending prayers and hugs to all of you!   Paw hugs and Doodle kisses from Libby.  I am so sorry you are going through this with Bosco.



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