Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
hey all! the past 3 times i have been at the dog park with Midas, my husband and my sister. Midas has peed on them!! twice on my sister and once on my husband... he gets VERY excited to be at the park, and i googled it and read that it can be from excitement and they can just pee on anything vertical, but my sister said in my yard he never pees on trees or anything because i turfed my yard for him.. and most of the time back there he squats like a girl..on walks he lifts his leg on trees and things... but 3 times in the park we are just standing there..he runs around with the dogs plays...and 3 separate times he walks over lifts his leg and peed on them!! is he claiming them? territorial? i dont i yell at him? any advice or experience or tips are appreciated! thanks in advance xoxo
No advice or experience with like behavior here, but interested in the responses! good luck!
I've seen that occasionally at a dog park. I'm guessing that he is marking you. This is something that I would correct ASAP. Yelling at him sounds mean but I'd give him a firm NO and get out of his line of fire.
Sorry I can't give advice but am curious about the replies you get. Our Alma, a female, will lift her leg and mark constantly when we are out on walks. In the back yard she pee's like a girl.
Dogs pee all over at dog parks - even on humans.
ive never seen another dog pee on someone lol... of course i have the one that decided to try it out! lol
I have seen it whenever we have gone to the romps - it is usually not a doodle that I see, but I see it and have even been peed on. Usually there are dogs playing around the people and the person getting peed on doesn't even realize it until it is too late! LOL
My 5 year old labradoodle does this!!!!! I am absolutely mortified when it happens at the dog park, I actually have to warn people to keep an eye on him as out of nowhere he will lift his leg. He never used to mark and when we got our second dood - which was a few years ago now - he started marking everywhere. I spoke to the vet about it and he said that since he was desexed at such an early age (he was desexed before we got him at 9 weeks) it may not be able to be solved. I am eagerly waiting to see if anyone has suggestions as I have actually stopped taking him to the park :(
We were sitting with a neighbor's elderly beagle. Stopped to talk to a neighbor while having Heavyhead out for a walk. All of a sudden he lifted his leg and peed on the neighbor's boot! That neighbor was very cautious around Heavyhead after that.
I'll admit it--I've been peed on at the dog park. So has Sadie. I don't like to correct other people's dogs but I do usually give a firm no (and sometimes I've yelled in surprise, but not on purpose at the dog). A Bouvier used to try to pee on one of my friends all the time, and when she complained to the owner, he said "It's called marking his territory,"--to which she replied, "But I'm not his territory!"
Humiiating for you, Joanne, but too funny for words!
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