Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Nothing added to the chicken or the rice or the sweets...Crazy, i know..
i am hoping she bounces back after a weekend of the Rx stuff & then we are also finished with the Metrod..another friend has a daughter that's a vet in NY..he's going to consult with her..i told him i don't like the idea of the RC/Hills food...see what she says as she has no vested financial interest in the situation...
maybeadult Fromms??
why is she positively responding to the Rx food & not the bland diet??
this really perplexes me
and once she is better..where do we go..back to Acana? maybe adult Fromms??
i think ill put a call into the breeder also
She's responding to the Rx food because it contains 14.5% fiber. Period. That's an extraordinary amount of fiber for any kind of dog food, and that's what is firming up the stools. I buy human food grade cellulose (much higher quality than what is in the Rx food) and mix it into JD's home cooked food. Voila. And a LOT cheaper than the Rx, plus he's not getting corn, wheat, & garbage for dinner.
The breeder is not going to be able to help you with this. It has nothing to do with genetics or anything the breeder did. It might give you yet another person's opinions to further complicate the issue.
Ditto your friend's DD in NY...she may not have a vested interest, but she didn't get any more or different nutrition training in vet school than your current vet did. Unless of course she has a three year post DVM specialty certification in small animal nutrition.
I think you are going to have to ask the vet where to go from here foodwise.
Ugh, Bully Sticks are just awful on the stool for Spud. I have not given one in a few years. Cut those out too. At least for a few months.
Well, I hate to keep "nay saying", but retail clerks generally don't have formal educations in nutrition, or they wouldn't be working minimum wage jobs as retail clerks, lol. I would not be taking nutrition or health advice from them. She's also misinformed about what an allergic reaction to chicken would look like.
Chicken is not really a source of vitamins for dogs, raw or cooked. It mainly supplies protein, and a teeny little bit of iron, and those survive cooking just fine, or we would all have nutritional deficiencies. Had I heard her say "boiled chicken made at home ...boil's out all the important nutrients and vitamins that you want the dog to have" I would have asked her exactly what vitamins and nutrients those are. It's simply not true.
The dehydrated raw foods like Honest Kitchen and Sojos can be easier on the digestive tract as they contain so much water as served, so if you bought one of those, it might be helpful, and certainly healthier than the Rx stuff. However, if it's a food that is served dry, it's very doubtful that it will help.
I can assure you that there has been no change in Acana's ingredients. Yes, the companies have 6 months to list changes to formulas, but Acana is made by Champion Foods of Canada, which is the most reliable, ethical company on the planet, and they notify of changes to formulas immediately.
Growth spurts and changes in metabolism (wonder what that would be) do not cause digestive upsets and Derby is way past the age for a growth spurt anyway.
The problem with making more than one change at a time (adding, eliminating, or changing diets, meds, treats) is that you then have no way to know what is helping or what is making it worse.
What about a grain-free diet? Or adding probiotics? Is there a broader test for parasites?
Thank you, Nicky.
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