Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hey everyone we need to get started figuring out who all wants to get together.  We will be in Florida during January and know we are getting together with Lori and Elizabeth.  Were hoping to meet Carol and Banjo also but don't think they will be down till February.  We are available to get together either in Flagler or the Jacksonville area or whatever works with everyone.  So, if you are in Florida and would like to try and meet up let us know and Lori, Elizabeth and I will try and figure out something that works for everyone.  Even if we can't get everyone together at the same time DH and I are pretty flexible and can make arrangements to meet with others as well.  Just let us know.  Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones.  

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Yee Haw!

Can't wait to see my girls again and for you to meet AnnaBelle.  I think she and Daphne might be great friends.  They have about the same energy level!

Bailey and I are in!!  Any time in Jan after the 10th.  Let us know as we are driving up from Boca Raton to meet you all!  We are so looking forward to meeting everyone!!!!!

Look forward to meeting you and Bailey! 

Gail ... if we can get Dane and Joyce to come from savannah with honey Rocco and Guinness would u b able to come to Jacksonville. There is a great dog park right off of 95. Not sure how far that is from Boca.

Let me know when and tell me what exit off 95 and Bailey and I will be there!!!

Take exit 344 toward FL-202/Butler. Its called Dogwood Park and Its really close to where you get off. Now we just need everyone to decide when.

Ill talk to dane and joyce tomorrow. Elizabeth if u c this pm me days that u r off work. Lori is your schedule flexible? Gail you need to be after the 10th right?

It turns out I am good any time.  Just give me a day or two notice because it is a 5 hour drive for me and I will need to make plans.

Sounds great. Look forward to meeting you and Bailey.

I just looked up the park and read about it.  It sounds fantastic!!!  Can't wait!!

I am available anytime in January. No plans at all so far. Just hangin with my DK peeps!



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