Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Let me preface this by saying Racey is fixed and I am NOT interested in breeding.

I am curious about what is considered healthy for how often to breed a female. I've always heard once per year (or less frequently) is what the reputable breeders do.



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I have heard the time between litters being once a year and no more than twice per female. But I am in no way a breeder, so it was just something Ive read. Hopefully a DK breeder will answer your question.
Many years ago, I was a breeder of mini dachshunds. I had 5 females and 2 males. Yes, they all lived in the house and most of them slept with me. :) All puppies were home raised - in the "guest" bedroom until they were about 5 weeks old when they were introduced to the general household and socialized with all the people and other dogs. I bred my gals no more than 3 times in a 4 year period, but I know that many breed more frequently than that. Between litters, I had blood work done and assured that my girls were in good health. I had one bitch that I only bred every 2 years. I think this is a great question to ask any breeder.

I started discussion on this same topic a few years ago. You might find this helpful:

Sherri- That was really helpful, Thanks!

Some people believe in breeding more often than once a year but finishing after 3-4 litters. I think there are different opinions.

Many moons ago, when I was breeding Golden Retrievers, we had a Vet, whose opinion was: if a Bitch was in great shape after her last litter, there was no harm in breeding her the next cycle. Goldens go into heat every 8-9 months. I never could get on board with that particular way of thinking, and always skipped at the very least,one heat. JMO

I have a doodle who has a 9 month cycle-she has been bred four times in 3 1/2 years and is now retiring...she has had no health issues and is running around right after the pups are born--I think that some dogs have a very easy time. It really depends on the dog--for some, it is exhausting and for others, it is not bad.



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