Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

In just a few hours, we will be dog owners. 1 piece of advice on first day?

In 2 hours, we will finally bring home Nicky. What's one piece of advice you wish you were given on your first day?

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I know quite a few people have said this already, but patience is key. Doodles are SUPER smart and learn quickly so I think it is easy to fall into the trap of expecting too much too soon. There have been countless occasions in which I have called Ragley or asked her to do something and she would ignore me and go on with her day and I would get SO frustrated (it's maddening) and find myself having to take a calming breath and remember that she is only a puppy and I can't expect her to be perfect yet, but rather work hard on remaining consistent. 

The playing with ears, etc is also great advice. I call it Ragley's PET time (Paws, Ears, Teeth). I rub between all her toes and hold her feet, play with her ears and flip them back to look inside for a few seconds each, and then hold her head and pull up her lip on each side to look at her teeth. She isn't even phased by it anymore and trust me- it impresses the vets!


Oh boy--so much has been covered! Terrific! I agree with all of it and would add that sometimes pups do better with a blanket over their crate--also, do not comfort the pup if he cries in the crate--that will start the cycle over--just pretend you don't hear them (If you know that the pup has been outside, etc. already) And last, pick a phrase for going potty and then say it before the pup goes and then say "Good ____"!  (fill in whatever the phrase it) with lots of excitement. Eventually the pup will go on command!

Thank you! He's been great so far. I tried getting him used to his crate and he's currently sleeping in it with the door closed! He did cry when we left him in thee alone at first and left the room. But he doesn't hate his crate which is good news. I will fi ddefinitely pick him up as soon as he wakes up for a potty break. Thanks for that tip and all the other amazing advice! Oh...and I've been touching hhm everywhere. ..I started using the comb and brush too.

Thanks again! Will update you on day 2.

He is a cutie! Have you picked a name yet?'s nicky. Our 5 year old nephew insisted on his name being the same as's a cute name. His mom is ok with us naming him after her son lol ... backup name was milo.
Absolutely, freak'n adorable! Have fun and enjoy!

Simply adorable.

What a cutie-pie! With a face like that there's no possible way he could be any trouble :-)
Enjoy your new baby!

What a face!  He is just adorable!  Have fun and hope all the good behavior continues (not all will though LOL)

My advice is be patient this first day. Your pup will be adjusting to a new environment. Puppies do well in a structured environment. They need to have a schedule. The advise to play with their feet, ears, and belly is excellent. Congratulations and good luck!
Thanks! He's a cutie. Wow you guys are amazing. I will taake your advice. He's precious and I can see how people have 2 or 3! Here are a few more pics :)

just adorable!  Nicky you are destined to be a DK coverboy! 



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