Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hey everyone we need to get started figuring out who all wants to get together.  We will be in Florida during January and know we are getting together with Lori and Elizabeth.  Were hoping to meet Carol and Banjo also but don't think they will be down till February.  We are available to get together either in Flagler or the Jacksonville area or whatever works with everyone.  So, if you are in Florida and would like to try and meet up let us know and Lori, Elizabeth and I will try and figure out something that works for everyone.  Even if we can't get everyone together at the same time DH and I are pretty flexible and can make arrangements to meet with others as well.  Just let us know.  Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones.  

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I just saw this.  I sent you an email... Just let me know what day and I'm there too!!  So excited!!

You know I am there.  I already have my work schedule for the first half of January so I will take a look and get back with you!  Can't wait to see you guys!!!

Yay, Yay, and Yay again!

Ok, got dates from Elizabeth and Dane and am trying to plan based on what the weather is looking like.  Right now it looks like the 11th and 12th might be good choices.  The weather report already changed from last night so I'll keep an eye on it.  Let's plan the 11th as our first choice and the 12th as our second choice of days.  I'll keep an eye on the weather for the next several days and if it looks like we need to move it we have plenty of days left to choose from.  If for any reason any ones schedule has changed and these don't work, just let me know.

Gail -- Since you are traveling the furthest, what time are you thinking you could be in Jacksonville?

I could be there around 1pm if I come up in one day but I am looking into coming up to my brother's place the day before and then it would only be about 2.5 hrs so I could be at the park earlier.  I am flexible!  Hopefully it will be okay for my brother or sister-in-law to come with me and for their schnauzer to join the doodles. Hubby has to stay in Boca with our grandson as our daughter and husband are out of town that weekend. 

I am excited about meeting everyone and watching all the doodle fun!!

Absolutely bring your brother's pup.. the more the merrier I always say.  I can't wait to meet you and your Bailey!!!  Let me know if you need directions.  It is pretty much right off 95. I will PM you my cell # once you accept me as your friend  in case you need it!!

Thanks, Elizabeth!  I will accept you as a friend right now.

We are excited to meet you too!

Thanks, Lori!  

Definitely ok for your Brother and/or SIL to come with their pup.  I'm thinking mid day is probably a pretty good time anyway as it will give it a chance to warm up a little and also everyone can grab a bite to eat first so we will be all set to play for awhile.  I'll PM you my cell number and will PM mine to Elizabeth and Lori as well just in case they don't have it from last year.  I can't wait to meet you and see everyone again.  AnnaBelle is going to need a good romp by then to get rid of some of this puppy energy.  I'll keep an eye on the weather and stay in touch.

Thanks for planning this, Sheri!  I am soooo looking forward to it!!

Sounds great! 1/11 is a good date. The 12th is not a good option for me one AM as I already have an event with my church until around 2pm. After that would be fine. I am so excited!



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