Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Praying for my incontinence...every 30 minutes we are outside.  She pees while sleeping. Been washing constantly, cleaning carpets, etc. and cleaning her up since yesterday.  Called vet this morning and hoping we don't have a bladder infection. Read side effects from the shot for Addison's Disease  or the prednisone or both....apparently this can cause bladder issues.  Now we are dealing with this.  We can't seem to get a break.  I am wavering between exhaustion and being totally distraught over this. I am getting very, very upset over all this. Which causes my brain disorder called TN to swing into full gear. Both my head and my heart are hurting right now.  I am overcome with concern for Molly and she looks so pathetic when she has an accident.    I have had to cancel everything.   One of us has to be here with her at all times.   I am exhausted...stayed up to take her out to the bathroom all night.  This is tough....really,really tough.  Got a call into my vet already at 7 a.m.  I am thinking of how difficult remediation is concerning this disease.  I am tired, frustrated, angry, and trying to control my thoughts and not really express what I am feeling at this point.  Trying to keep my emotions in check.   I prayed over Molly last night and full healing.  Now I need to stand strong in faith and know our Lord loves all His creations and wants to make them well.     

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I hope this doesn't sound too melodramatic, but we have had a very tough 2013.   So bear with me I am having a pity party today.  I lost my dad, moved my mother to be closer to us because I am her caregiver now and her health is getting progressively worse, and now she has a really bad upper respiratory infection.  I lost my best friend of 43 years and she battled cancer for the past 3 years.  We are in the process of putting our home up for sale and they say stress also impacts Addison's Disease.  So, all in all I am having a pity party right which is ridiculous because their are those who are burdened and in valleys much worse then mine.  So I hope you will bear with me as I work my way through this.  My vet had a long talk with me this morning when he called and we discussed at length why Molly is having urinary problems, incontinence, and I ran in a urine sample to check to be sure she didn't get a bladder infection from the medication (which could happen).  He only has one other dog with Addisons...a terrior.   Our family has had a full dose of flu, pnuemonia, and illness this holiday season.  Now, having to deal with Molly and all that entails is overwhleming.  

One hour at a time Girl.  Keep telling yourself that your current state of affairs is not permanent, only a transitional phase.  It will get better.

I would say you have had more than your share this year - that's quite a bit to have on your proverbial plate.  There are always those with worse situations, but that doesn't always make you feel better, frankly.  I lost my best friend to cancer several years ago and that in itself is a sad and stressful situation.  It's good to be able to vent, and I'm glad to be here to listen and sympathize and join you in your party!  Sometimes you just have to let it out - it's much healthier in the long run.  Hopefully Molly will improve with the right meds and your love!

Robin put in words exactly what I was thinking, but I have trouble writing it down so well!  You and Molly are in my thoughts and prayers and vent all you want, we are here to listen and sympathize!  Hugs to you and Molly!

Thank you Robin...I am irritated with myself for even venting.  I know that all things are possible when we rely on our Father to help us, and believe I have really given it all up to Him to solve and sort through for me.  I am thankful for all His blessings and grateful for the beauty that I am fortunate to witness in this life.  God bless and thank you for your wonderful note.  


Yes, you have had an extremely difficult year by anyone's standards. DK is a good place to ask about your doodle, but the people on this site are warm and kind. Please do not worry about venting. I will be watching for updates on Molly and will continue to pray.

I'm so sorry for all that you have gone through. I am thinking of you and sending virtual hugs and positive hopeful thoughts that this next year will be amazing for you! 

Sending prayers, hugs and doodle kisses. Keeping you and Molly in our thoughts.

Praying with you for Molly's health. I am so sorry you are going through this with your beloved doodle.

I am so sorry for all you and Molly are going through and pray the vet will find some answers for Molly.  Sending prayers and hugs to the both of you.  Is there family that could help out and give you some relief for awhile.  

I am so sorry that you are going through this with Molly.  I hope that you find some relief soon.  The incontinence can be due to the steroids.  When Charlie was young he had a UTI.  The antibiotic that is standard treatment has steroids in it.  Charlie became totally incontinent.  He would just be walking along and urinating without even knowing it.  After much debate with the vet (and trial and error) we finally came to the conclusion that the steroids in the antibiotic were causing the incontinence.  We worked with our vet to find alternate solutions.  A smaller amount of the steroids usually works for us.  Not sure how it works with Addison's.  I hope and pray that your vet can help you find a solution.  



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