Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Spouse and I keep going back and forth on what size labradoodle we should get.  We want something big enough that can keep up with the kids and do outdoor activities, but no so big where he/she would not fit nicely into car or on bed.  We have seen alot of the 20 lb doodles and we want something a little bigger but again not too big. We are currently looking at something around 40-45lb and 20-23 but worried about this being too large.  Can anyone that has something around this size give me pro's and cons?

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that's 20-23 inches tall.

Oh gee, I don't know if you can really determine the size other than miniature or "other".  Picco is 52 lbs of sweetness, his mom 50 lbs, dad 70 lbs.  I like dogs 50-70 lbs because we do alot of outdoor activities and I think that is a good size to wrestle with without worrying of being too rough. But then I'm not experienced with smaller dogs, I'm sure they are not as frail as I think they would be. I think larger dogs are better with kids, they seem more tolerant than smaller.  That's my 2 cents!

My Shelby is 40 pounds and stands about knee high in me... I am 5'7". I love her size... She is not small and not large. She travels great... I have a small SUV. And size is really a guess in the long run... One of Shelby's best doodle friends was supposed to be a mini (20 lbs) - well he is a a 50 pound doodle and a wonderful dog.

Our ADL is 53 pounds.  I wanted a smaller dog that would fit on my lap, but the DH wanted a big dog.  This is a good compromise for us.  

Although I was looking for a golden doodle in the 30-35lb range…and the breeder told me that is what Banjo would end up at…he ended up being 52lbs.   So, be aware that it is not an exact "science".    DH wanted a "big" dog (the size Banjo ended up being) and I wanted a "lap' dog.   Well even if Banjo was small enough….he just isn't a lap dog kinda guy.   He loves to lay at my feet and maybe if I'm lucky, he'll lay next to me on the sofa.   I just love the size he is….and can even pick him up if necessary.    To give you an idea of his height…..when he's standing along side the sofa, his back is the same height as the cushions. In my opinion  he's a good size family dog.

Please don't count on a size prediction…genetics can surprise you…if nature throws you a surprise, be ready to love your dog anyway :)

Our Baker is 99# & an F1 goldendoodle…mom & dad were 50-55#.  Oskar is 32# & a mini/medium double doodle…mom was 50# & dad 20#.  Our grandkids love them both & both dogs love to play/run with them.  Our son's double doodle is 40-45# & is perfect for their family of 5 young kids.  

Temperament is much more important than size or color and can be predicted more accurately than size…good luck !

was just going to say this!

Yes, Diane gave very good advice. Our Fudge is 46 pounds and our Vern, who I thought may top out at 70 pounds, is 100 pounds. Go for temperament and all the rest will work itself out. Good luck!!

I didn't realize that Fudge and Vern were that different in terms of weight.

I do not believe you can be exactly sure of the size your Doodle will end up.  I have heard of people getting a minature and it ends up weighing 40 lbs.  Our Libby is 45 lbs and considered a medium.  She is just perfect for us and the best dog we have ever had:)

One consideration is how much actual exercise you'll be able to provide.  My Standard (60-65 pounds) needs a LOT of exercise.  He's a big guy, and with sporting breeds in his background he needs much more exercise than my mini ALD.  I send him to Daycare twice a week to run with the other dogs, and on days he doesn't go there I have to give him a good hour walk.  If the weather is just too horrible to walk, he goes on the treadmill.  

I have a 48 pound and 65 pound doodle approximately. Luca my large medium is just perfect.  I can lift him. I cannot lift Calla but I wish I could. 



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