Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My sweet Henry (he just turned 2) has some type of tumor on his leg. The vet thinks it may be a Mast Cell (cancer) he is having surgery on Friday to remove it. We will not know the pathology until next week. I am praying that it will be benign. Has anyone else gone through anything like this? What questions should I be asking my vet?

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I'm sorry to hear this. I hope the tumor is benign. 

Thank you. Me too. I am trying to stay positive.
I hope Henry's tumor is benign. There is list of information on mast cell tumors on the web.

I hope it is okay.  will keep good thoughts.  

Sending good positive thoughts from Murphy and Bella!

Oh, yes, we have been through it plenty.  Hopefully just a fatty tumor.  Groucho Too has had plenty of "tumors" removed.  The first was on his rectum and I figured to get his teeth cleaned at the same time.  He had a reaction to the anesthesia and that was worse than the tumor.  The next time he had a tumor that I wanted removed, I asked the vet to burn it out with a laser.  No problem, but she said it was deeper than she had thought.  There are some photos on my page if you want to take a look.  Then, in November, he had a "bleed out" from a tumor on his spleen and again had surgery (splenectomy) and it was cancerous.  He is seven years old, and we have elected not to do chemo or radiation, but you will have many alternatives available for a young dog if it is indeed cancer.  Wait to see what the vet has to tell you and good luck.  Try not to worry about him.  It will all be okay.

Thank you for the info.
We have been through this multiple times with our just passed Golden. Thankfully, each time ( one on his chest, one on his leg, one on his gum line, and one on top of his head) they were all fatty tumors. He lived to be a ripe old age of 13. Hoping and praying Henry's are the same. Will be thinking about you two on Fri. Please, keep us posted!

Wow, are all of our dogs twins, Rosemary? Growing up we had a Golden Retriever (from the time I was 4 to 17). He started getting tumors when he was...I'd say, 11. The vet never ran tests or anything but said they were fatty tumors and removing them would cause him more harm than good due to his age. He was just a lumpy old man. He also lived to be 13! 

Since yours is only 2-years-old you won't have the issue of the old age risk. Thankfully there are so many options now that weren't there before. 

Thank you

No experience with it, but hoping for the best for Henry--such a handsome boy!

No experience but I'm sending positive thoughts that the surgery goes well and the tumor is benign. 



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