Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Finnegan's (feline) brother - Mistral Sky--crossed the Rainbow Bridge early this morning. It feels like there's an empty space torn into the fabric of our lives.
Mistral is now with his beloved dog Teddy. Truth be told, he never thought much of Finney and it was only at the insistence of his little sister, Song, that the two of them became friends. But Teddy befriended this 5 week old tiny white bundle with ice blue eyes who began his life in a field in a drain pipe some eleven years ago and if a cat can love a dog, then Mistral loved that old Beardie with all his heart.
I've always thought of myself as a "dog" person, but Mistral taught me the mysteries and wonder of being owned by a cat. A friend named him Mistral, although she insisted the kitten told her that was his name and she had no idea what it meant. It's a wind that blows across the south of France with such force that it's said to drive people and animals mad. We shortened it to Misty.
Misty lived up to his name. He could be quite a handful at times, and after a bout with cat scratch fever, my son said if I had any sense, I would drop him at the shelter and not look back, but I would not give up on him. Eventually he became as loving and loyal as any dog. Never much for toys, I discovered by accident that he loved Native American flute music. When he was having a meltdown or in pain, I would play it to calm him and he would drift off to sleep in the crook of my arm. Only that. No other music would do.
Whenever I took out the camera, Misty would silently disappear so I have very few pictures of him but he will live with me forever. Finn doesn't seem to know that he's gone, but Song does. Instead of being curled up asleep in the sun, she's been staring into space all day. Thanks for listening even though this is not doodle-related. R.I.P. dear Misty.
Oh Cheryl, I am so sorry for your loss! It sounds like Misty found the perfect parent in you - I love that you played the flute (and her favourite music) to calm her! And I absolutely love the pictures of Misty and Song sleeping together - I know it's tough but I'm so glad that you have such wonderful memories that you can cherish later!
Rest in Peace Misty!!! May you spirit blow in the winds forever. oxo
Thank you. I love that thought.
I am so sorry...I feel your pain. I still shed tears when I look at their grave in our back yard and think of my girls that we lost so suddenly. I had a 16 year old springer...our Freckles, that suffered kidney failure right after Rita. Too much trauma for her, and then my 8 year old April followed soon after. Very traumatic time and we are sending you hugs from TX.
Thank you and I'm so sorry for your loss.
So sorry--what a lovely tribute to a special feline.
Thank you all. Your messages really helped. You are the best.
So sorry for your loss.... What a beautiful cat he was...... Sending prayer that your heart will be healed...
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