Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have a question....which dog do you like the most labradoodle or goldendoodle and why? I want a puppy and I am trying to figure it out which one is the best for me. I grew up with poodles. Please help me. I would appreciate. Thank you.

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I agree that they are very similar and the most important thing is to find a good breeder and then choose a puppy with a temperament you are looking for. We started with an Australian Labradoodle and now we have two. : ) Good luck to you, an exciting and nerve wracking time! At least you've already found this site for help and support! I see you are from Barnegat, you might want to join the Jersey Doodle group, sometimes we get together. We all met at Sandy Hook in September!

Thank you

Labradoodle or Goldendoodle, you can't go wrong!  They are both wonderful dogs!  We have a Labradoodle and she is as mellow as they come, family friendly, smart and a very sweet dog!

Thank you
All these responses still make me scratch my head as to why most Labradoodles are so much more expensive. I never get a clear distinction between the two types to warrant almost double the cost. But that's just me. However, I think most of us would agree that their personalities are generally similar: loving, friendly, family dogs.
It seems the diseases that plague them are similar, life expectancies similar, hair coats can be very similar and for the most part, some can barely be told apart from the other in facial and bone features. So as for me, I went with a reputable breeder, time of the delivery and prices. I have two Goldendoodles BTW.
I realized labradoodle is about $2000.00 and over.
Oh, I'm not questioning that you have done your homework and realize the difference of prices. What I dont understand is WHY? But I never have understood that and it's probably a discussion we have had on here many times so I was just thinking out loud I guess. I don;t think you can go wrong with either one actually. There is no way to make a wrong decision with getting a doodle. They are just yummy!
Thank you

Sue, I think it's only the ALDs that are priced significantly higher. Otherwise, the price of  either a goldendoodle or a labradoodle from a reputable breeder who does health testing seems about the same for either one, depending on generation.


I don't think you can't go wrong with either. I've got two English Cream Goldendoodles. That's a poodle and an English Retriever. :-)

Thank you

I love both, probably equally. I have a Goldendoodle but I would love a Labradoodle just as much!



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