Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Just wanted to share some success I think I am starting to have with this issue.
I have a really busy house with 3 kids and people in and out all day. Ozzy our 10 month old doodle is awesome but barks and jumps on whoever comes in this is our new routine.
Doorbell rings or door knocks-
I say TREAT and he goes to where treats are.
I leash him- then bring Tupperware of treats (cheerios) with me to the door while I open it and step on leash or hold leash and have him sit while I give him one cheerio at a time for 5-6 x- then hand guest cheerio to feed him (if comfortable doing so) and then it's all good!
The KEY is consistency- I would say this needs to be done and practiced at least 10x per day if not more- do doorbell is associated with treat.
I tried doing this and having him go to mat and stay there- but too friendly and wants to greet all.
Just thought I'd share- would love to hear what works for you or how you think I could tweak or change what I am doing.
Thanks all!
Sounds like a solid plan, just be careful on the treat phase out. I am not so good at this part so someone who knows more about treat training will have to jump in and tell you about varying time on rewards and jackpots.
Thanks- yes I would be curious to hear thoughts on phasing out treats- he is very food focused so we use a lot.
This is a good plan. At some point down the road you can gradually extinguish giving the treats. What I would do is use another word in conjunction with the word TREAT and fade TREAT out leaving the second word as you extinguish the treats. For example you might use DOOR TREAT and gradually just DOOR. I would wait until you have a solid success rate before decreasing the treats - first decreasing the number of treats, then not giving them every time, etc..
What a great idea, once he does this with a lot of consistently, I would try putting the leash on but not holding it. I would also stop going to the treat bucket, rather have some in your pocket so that he doesn't associate the bucket with the behavior so much. Then once he has all that down, stop leashing and have him sit beside you, then slow down how many cheerios but if he does a super good job like BG said give him a jackpot of a lot of cheerios. You just over time slow down how many treats, until you don't even have to treat every time. Like right now you're doing six plus treats from guests, so after a few days go 5 then 4 and so on. If he has trouble moving up a step don't be afraid to back up, like you said consistency is the key. Great job. :).
Great job! We've been practicing door bell etiquette but it is coming slow to my pack. With three dogs, nobody wants to be the "good" one when the others are barking or jumping.
Mine are unfazed. They are so into their own exuberance that they don't care if the recipient is happy about it.
I just posted on another thread that I use a gate. They are behind the gate on the other side of the room. They can see our guest but the gate doesn't come down until they stop jumping around. They are rewarded for their good behavior by getting to approach the guest calmly.
When we take Gordie out of the picture, our doodles are totally manageable, but when he is around...... nothing works other than leashing.
Glad you found something that works for you Jodi:)
Wow, that is great. My doodles are 4 and 3 1/2 yrs old and it is total chaos when someone comes in. I live alone and don't get much traffic so its so difficult to get my doodles in check. This is one thing that I just cant break with my doods. I'm glad you found a way to make this work - nice job !!!
Before I get all proud and mighty, I should have mentioned yesterday was the first day doing this! But by the 6th doorbell ring or so he was getting it! Today a snow storm but am going to insist on having my kids go in and out to ring that bell all day! Ha- I do think that consistency and doing it every single day is the key - I'm sure I'm a long way away from this really working but at least it's a start- total pain to hook leash on him and bring him to door with me, but think only option for now- he is just to over stimulated and excited and wants to see who is at door- think I am going to try standing on leash instead of holding leash as when I hold leash he still seems to lunge up at people. Will keep working on it- thanks all- feedback is great- really appreciate it.
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