Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Anybody else found it impossible to put on easy walk harness??

Been trying for last Half hour - he just won't let me

Super frustrated!!
Can't see myself going thru all this hassle every single time we wanna go out

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Maybe give him a chewy treat before you put it on each time? We never had an issue with putting our harness on Boomer but our trainer who helped fit the harness onto him said a little bit of peanut butter will do the trick. Eventually they'll get used to it and not mind.

Also if you have spare time here and there, practice putting the harness on the dog and not going out. We practiced with our puppy by putting the harness on him in the house, and leaving it on for up to an hour before taking it off. Now the harness is just a routine matter for him.

He is young, he will learn the routine soon:)   Libby gets so excited when the leash/harness comes out that we have to threaten her that she is not going and then she calms down.  LOL

I'm glad to see this discussion here because Yarrow's getting her Easy Walk harness tomorrow.  DK is a great community!

I have had no problems and love it.

It did take a few times to adjust the harness to the right size, but it hasn't been an issue at all. 

Now if I could get her to jump into the back seat of the car on her own that would be major. She's getting too big for me to lift her in and it won't be long till she can practically walk in. My old boyfriend called her lazy and stupid. She's not stupid but just unmotivated. 

I think all dogs have their own issues. Owners too!

I've seen a video on youtube about how to fit the harness properly.

I'll bet beautiful Georgia Brown is happy that the old boyfriend is gone.

Nancy., I am  glad he is your old boyffiend    :).........your baby  is not lazy or stupid !

hahah took forever and me and my boyfriend looking like TOTAL fools in public to get Ragley to finally jump into the car for the first time! She still doesn't always go for it and I would have to lift her out too! She would literally walk up to me in the back of the car, sit down, lift her front two paws onto my shoulders, and duck her head as if to say "ok I'm ready for you to lift me out now, thanks". Not kidding or exaggerating at all. It was hilarious and maddening all at the same time.

Kallie doesn't like putting on her Easy Walk either.i put on her leash on her collar then put on the harness.I also just buckle the bottom black strap and keep the rest together.Not sure why she runs from the harness...I make sure its not too tight or clipping her fur

stay strong!! you have to make them understand you are the boss!! It's these little tasks that if they win the argument, then they will put up a fight in other situations.  my vet tells me it is the 'poodle' in them.

I feel confident they will succumb as habits will form. the first few times there may be wigglies, but talking them thru-yes, taking a long time for tasks will prove rewarding in the long run.  if the harness is not for you, have you tried a regular leash?

remember-ask yourself what goal you want to achieve and then convey that message to the puppy.  they don't come trained, but are eager to please. and yes, it takes time and repetitive behavior, but they will get it.  and you will be happy you took the TIME as the pups only get bigger and stronger!!

Let's just say... way back when ...putting on Violet's harness ,I was in tears and a full on sweat.. she wiggled so much and now ... really does not like to get in to her fault    :(.....even though it is a step will get better with age...


I also always make sure not to catch his fur in it but he still hates it going on.  I've tried giving him treats as I do it, leaving it on the floor for him to investigate, but he just doesn't like putting it on.  I also realized it's easier if I put the leash on his collar and then put the harness on and move the leash to the harness.

we've tried eveything - his favorite treats, etc.  He loves going for walks but as soon as he sees the harness he runs away, if i sit down he comes and sits just out of reach - lol and stares at me.  If we leave it on him in the house, he chews them off. 



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