Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Every evening Oliver goes ballistic!
110% full doodle power running around the apartment.

I know he's probably just blowing off steam - but we sometimes worry that he runs so fast, he might crash and hurt himself.

I know the Zoomies are normal, but should I be trying to stop him mid Zoom?

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I let mine go for it! It's like they have to stretch their legs.  Indoors they will probably be fine, but make sure they know the boundary on the outside!! you will NOT be able to catch them.

As long as he isn't going to hurt himself, I wouldn't worry too much! Let him get it all out! haha enjoy while he's little- they grow too fast :(

Kallie loves to zoom from the front door to the back door, knocking into her bells, sometimes upstairs and down added to her circuit.And this is often after a walk! Let him have a good run and tire himself out.....lots of puppy energy!
I just love it when yogi gets the zoomies. It's so darn cute. I don't stop him, too much fun

Hurley is 26 months old and he still flies around the house like a major whirlwind every night before bed time.  I used to get very nervous he would hurt himself and there were a few times I would hold him close to me talking softly to calm him down.  It would work for as long as I held him and then off he went again racing around the house. 

Let him zoom and get outta the way !!! :)

Did you ever read The Art of Racing in the Rain?  We used to joke that every night the "zebra" appeared and chased Finn all over the house!  Or maybe Finn was chasing him! Just get out of the way LOL  

I've come to really enjoy watching Zoe Zoom, so I let her do it - I'd let him and enjoy the show!

Love the book "The Art of Racing in the Rain".   I always think about that book when Hurley watches TV.  He really seems to get into what is on the screen.  

I actually enjoyed those zoomies and never tried to stop Ned. However, sometimes I wasn't always thrilled that he chose to run out the doggy door when the sprinkler came on - then zoom back in, jump on all the furniture, run upstairs, jump on the bed, dig under the pillows and roll around . . . . but I always laughed.

hahaha - Zoe does this still.  It's raining right now, and she jsut came zooming into the house rather wet.  I swear she is a gremlin - add water, go nuts.

Too funny   :)   I don't think Molly's ever done that in the house. 
But she and I like to take turns chasing each other around the coffee table.  She loves that game, only she includes going up on each of the two couches, I don't, it takes enough energy just to chase on level ground.



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