Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have heard a few things about this business, being from Stratford. I know they must have some doodle owners on this site. Any feed back.

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I'm from Brantford!
What about it? Is something up with them?
OK I am so dumb- I read your post but none of the previous discussions appeared- so from what I just read I gather that this store is selling doodles or other breeds that could be from a puppy mill. It is so easy to be taken in by these stores-when you look at the sweet little pups-you just want to take them all home. I saw a labradoodle at a Large pet store in Pickering last year that was six months old!!! They had him in a glass enclosure at the front of the store near the mall aisle. I did not have a doodle yet but my heart broke for the dog as he was getting quite large and most of the people were looking at other young pups within the store. I too look at the puppies in this store and have asked where they get their dogs-their reply was "from a breeder". Really?? What kind of a breeder sells to these stores?? Not the one I want to deal with.
I was not impressed with the facility or the puppies condition.
I know they are on the ospca radar.
I asked about the puppies and where they come from, got strange answers that made me think puppy mills.
I don't want anyone to feel badly if they got their pet there. I don't want to sound as if you made a bad choice.
I have personal concerns that they use puppy mills to fill thier store. They also work under two different business names. Same building.
I personally think there are too many unanswered questions for me. I do think that they count on an uneducated buyer. Or the spurr of the moment buyer. I also think there are those people who just can't leave the poor puppy there and want to save it, while in doing so keep the cycle of the store replacing that puppy with another in a cycle we don't need.
I wondered if anyone else had issues they were uncomfortable with? Has there been issues with the pets purchased there?
Yep! You buy their puppies, they go buy more at the puppy mill farm... here in Ontario and the circle will continue. Those cute puppies are not as healthy as those from a good breeder. Most of the puppy mill farms are interbreeding, they will breed the poor moms 3 to 4 times a year and after 4 to 5 years, they will kill her because she is too tired or no longer productive. Those pups can have all kinds of diseases and you will only know it months or years later, after you and your family are attached to your dog. It will cost a fortune for vet bills. A lot of those poor guys end up in high kill shelters or rescue that are often full. That is what happens when someone buys a puppy from a pet store.
I have my suspicions about this particular store. I was thinking that if there were people who did get theiir doodle or another type of puppy there that I could be more informed about this pet store. If this is the case for sure that these are puppy mill dogs then that information could be shared and more people could be educated.
I agree with you. The problem is how to find out and if we do, how to have these persons to give their testimonials to use against that pet store.
I did meeet a doodle at the dog park here that had been bought at that store. She was about three I think a little grouchy and not a good sharer at all. My older dog gets quite worried and whines and trys to stay between other dogs and Neely and this doodle growled and bit at her and knocked her over. That isn't necessarily because she was bought there though. The man said that it was a spur of the moment purchase.
Well I don't like to admit this but my boy came from there he is now 2.
I did not really think about puppy mills when I picked him out.
He was very shy and scared when we were considering him.
He came home with a very bad cold, they told me at the store it was dog food on his nose but when I got home I couldn't get it off. Took him to the vets and they said a bad cold and prescribed some meds.
I do think it's possible that they deal in puppy mills because dogs go in and out so quick.
I don't regret getting Max I love him to pieces he is such a gentle giant and a very well behaved smart dog.
I have never had problems not even health problems after the cold he had when I first brought him home.
I will never get a dog from a pet store as I have reshearched puppy mills and am a little more educated on them, and you don't now where they come from unless it is a breeder.
Well, As I relayed my entire story to Lorraine about my Standard Poodle coming from there as a B gift late DEc. 2008. He too had a very bad nasal/sinus infection but cleared up qickly with anti-biotics. Though humans don't have developed sinuses that young... he sure had terrible nasal discharge, no cough though.He turned 2 Oct 3 and has had no health problems at all so far and is a very happy, smart,obedient, frisky but not overly hyper sweet boy. A little more "energetic" than my 2 yr 2 month old male Goldendoodle who came from Molly's Darling Doodles, Rogers City MI He is awesome,healthy,fun and a real gentleman. I also have a friend who has a Yorkie/Maltese from there who is also fine and was healthy from the start 1 1/2 years old. Sweet little guy. Yes, I'm against purchasing from Pet stores as well but that is my report on the dogs from there.
Also, I must say that in my dealings with the owner; though limited I have only good things to say about him. As, far as where he came from...the Standard Poodle I was told that he came from a small local Amish Breeder and that he visits the farm himself; it is clean heated and the parents are healthy strong and well cared for.
thanks for sharing Sounds like you have a fun household with two two year olds! I have my concerns about my breeder too. No one can be certain, we do the best we can. I just in good conscious cannot reccomend that pet store. A good breeder does not need a broker to make sales. If they were open about the breeders and allowed full disclosure I wouldn't have a problem with it. It is too bad you weren't closer as Neely would love another couple of friends!

1 1/2 yrs ago I bought my Golden Doodle from the Stratford Ontario Superior Aquariums pet store, Now known as Puppies Everything. I haven't had any health concerns with her. She is a very smart and good temperament. Maybe a little skittish around new dogs, but after a couple of minutes she becomes more relaxed and plays with them. She has been a very good dog. At the time I didn't think anything about buying a dog there, but they do always have so many puppies. It makes you think that they are involved with puppy mills. My nephew and friend also bought 2 different dogs from there and they have turned out great as well.



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