Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

What has your dog learned that you have not specifically taught him/her?

Several weeks ago Karen posted the following article in the training group: and I thought it would make a good front page discussion.  The article is about intuitive learning.  In short, how dogs follow our example or figure out our routine/wants/needs and adapt their behaviour accordingly.

I was reminded of it yesterday:

During cottage season, Gavin gets packed into the car with the rest of our gear and goes for a 3.5 hour drive North.  Gavin has learned to associate his car harness with this trip.  Of course not every trip is 3.5 hours, but it seems Gavin prepares himself just in case.  When I go outside with the harness in my hand, Gavin runs a few quick laps around the backyard, checks his squirrel spots, has a good long pee, then approaches me to get harnessed up.  

So what has your dog learned that you have not specifically taught him/her?

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Finn the Enforcer.  I spent a long time teaching Finn he couldn't chase the cat.  FInally, he and Song coexist peacefully. BUT if I see Song doing something she shouldn't and I say something like "Song stop that" Finn HAS to put in his two cents (even if he was napping!) and chase her into her chair or out of the room.  Then he calmly comes back and resumes whatever he was doing. Big doodle smile. Problem solved mom! It's pretty funny for everyone but little Song. 

Cheryl I am going through the same thing with teaching about chasing the cats. He actually did not chase the cats at all for the longest time (six months) but they are so mean to him, they are constantly smacking him if he even walks near him that I think he got tired of it, now he does chase them. :( So he's having to learn it's not okay. I just need to figure out a way to teach the cats it's not okay to smack the dog twenty times in a row on the nose!

Reading these replies is a riot--there are so many examples with my three that I can't even list them--I will start with the fact that when I get up off the couch to brush my teeth at bedtime, Rio runs up the stairs to the bedroom and settles in for the night--he knows I am going to bed--oh and they all sit by the counter when I am preparing food for the pups I raise, because I usually knock a few kibbles on the floor by accident when i mix it up. They see the puppy dish come out and they all run over to wait for a stray morsel of food.

Enzo retrieves" whatever" is thrown ( ball, frisbee, baton, floating buoy toys, etc) and drops them at the throwers feet and ONLY, the throwers feet. We play and test by switching up throwing, and she never fails to entertain us. We have never taught this...instinct?

Alarm in the morning!! As soon as my alarm goes off, my two bust into my room!! No snooze for me!!!

Unfortunately, my 3 are my alarm. 6:30 very single morning. I probably shouldn't reward them by taking them for an early am walk. Lol!
All of these doodle stories are hilarious. Smart dogs indeed. I've enjoyed reading everyone's replies. :)

Loving and laughing at all of these stories!

My dog learned to open the front door and let herself out. The door had a leaver handle that would unlock as you turned it. The first few times Charlie got out I assumed someone accidentally left the door ajar. Then one day when her doggy buddy was outside a saw her stand upon her hind legs and open the door with her paw. We ended up having to change the front door handle.

BG, this is a great post and really illustrates how wonderfully clever, insightful and resourceful our doodle companions can be. Thanks for posting!

I really never gave this too much thought,until this thread. I guess we take it all for granted.
We discovered Enzo knows the difference between her leashes. One means she is just going out into the yard. The other means some kind of outing...wether it be Home Depot or the beach, it matters just means she's is going! And her excitement builds.
Brushing teeth at night means time to hit her bed in our bedroom. If I happen to brush early...she's in her bed anyways...could be 7pm!
The loud start up of our old Vette means car ride and she parks herself at the door...NOT budging,



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