Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

     I know most of your already know, but for those of you who do not I wanted to inform you of my loss of Havey. Although he was not a doodle, but rather a Havanese, he attended every doodle romp that my doodles attended over the last 8 years ... from the beach romps to park romps to my own backyard romps. He often go in the photo shoots. He had a persoanlity like a big dog. Here is what I wrote about him on another site.

 It is with a very heavy heart and tears in my eyes that I write to share with you that my  smallest 'Bright and Beautiful'  Therapy dog Havey  lost his brave battle today with Cancer.
      I could not have wished for a more wonderful dog. Please excuse me if this is too wordy, but I feel that all my words cannot adequately express how wonderful  he was.
     Havey was a big hearted, calm, laid back happy 'go lucky' Havanese with a bouncy gait.  He was very loving, affectionate and cuddly. He had all the wonderful qualities of a large dog in a tiny package. He loved babies, children and adults and had an amazing nurturing nature with other animals.... large and small, domesticated or not.
     He took care of the rescued pets that joined our family by protecting them when they were fearful or unhappy and teaching them how to  play. It did not matter that these other pets were 4 to 5 times his size, but they would hide behind him when frightened. If any of these other animals were unhappy about anything, Havey's empathetic nature would try to fix it, by signaling me clearly about what I need to do.
      Havey also helped save the life of one of my other dogs by signaling me when the other dog had life threatening seizures that required quickly administered glucose. On a few occasions Havey ran barking from one side of the house to the other to get me and have me follow him to where the other dog lay. He would also lie his 15 lb body next to this 130 lb dog to help steady him.
    Havey possessed extraordinary intelligence, eye contact and intuition. A trainer allowed him to start obedience classes at half the required age because of his keen observational skills and eye contact. At times I felt that he could definitely read my mind.He had a very large word comprehension that included  all my good friends names. He never forgot a loved one, even if he did not see that person for 7 years. 
    Havey never had any fears at all, until 2011 after undergoing painful life threatening surgery he
 became fearful of animal hospitals. In November 2012 he was diagnosed with bladder cancer and had surgery again, hospitalizations, chemo and radiation. In spite of his fears and pain he always totally cooperated with every procedure, every exam and all the prodding, staying perfectly still and never ever showing any aggression. .... until the day he died.
     Havey was a Bright and Beautiful , Furry Angel, certified Therapy dog from 2008 until the present. Over the years he  visited  and shared his love with residents in group homes  for disabled adults, patients in nursing homes and rehabs, children at  libraries and with physically or emotionally ill individuals in their own homes.
    Havey was easy to raise and train and although his illness was torturous to me, he made me not second guess my final decision for him. Although the Vet thought I should wait at least another day until blood test results came back, when I saw that he was rapidly failing and suffering I could not wait. As we entered the animal hospital today for him to be euthanized, he peacefully and naturally died in my arms  before the Vet came into the room.
    I will tremendously miss  him; it is hard to  imagine not holding that little angel next to my heart ever again , or sleeping or being awake without him next to me again. However, I am so thankful to him for the 14 years of joy and love he brought to me and others, and for giving me the opportunity to feel the wonderful feeling of unconditional love.

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I'm so sorry to hear of Havey's passing.  I knew that he had been ill for awhile, and I know how devoted you were to each other.  You obviously knew he didn't need to suffer anymore and Havey confirmed that.  I lost my last dog when he was 14 and though it is a blessing to have a baby for so many years, it doesn't seem like enough when they are gone.  I know how much you will miss him and am sending love and prayers at this sad time.

Thank you very much. Since little dogs can livea lot longer than big dogs I was hoping he would be around another 5 years, but once he was diagnosed with TCC bladder cancer I knew that was not going to happen.

I appreciate your kind thoughts

Oh Sue, I am so sad to hear this news although you certainly helped Havey live several years longer than he might have with a less caring and diligent owner. I remember how sick he was a couple of years ago. I remember him trotting along at the romps. I am glad he died peacefully . I am sorry for your loss. What a special dog Havey was.

Thank you so much. Unfortunately the last few days were images I would like to have erased from my memory. The Vets had asked me to wait for they must have thought his last symptoms were not related to this cancer, but they must have been wrong. 
I appreciate your kind words

I think clearly it was his time.
Sue Robin, I am sorry for your loss. I know it's very hard cuz I have been there too. Now, he is over the rainbow bridge. He sounds like a wonderful dog. Mason wasn't a doodle, but he was a westie and he was almost 15. He passed away last year. He had very aggressive cancer. Again, sorry.

I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for sharing about Havey. He sounds like a wonderful dog and a precious friend. Clearly you knew Havey very well and that it was his time. I'm sure that he loved you back equally as much as you loved him.

I'm so sorry for your loss, Sue.


I am so sorry to hear about Havey. My thoughts are with you!

Sorry for your loss. 

I am so sorry for your loss, Sue.

So sorry for your loss.  Its always so difficult to lose a family member, may your fond memories of Havey get you through this difficult time.



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