Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi guys! Daisy is 5+ months now and other than her face, her fur has never been cut or trimmed.

I am noticing that as warmer days approach (it's been close to 70 this week) she is panting...A LOT. Especially when we are outside. I have a few questions-

1. Is this a sign that maybe I should consider a summer cut for her?

2. Our groomer said her "puppy" fur will likely not grow back if we give her a summer cut right now and to be prepared for this. Is this true?

3. I've heard that the longer fur can actually keep them cooler- is this true or just nonsense? Lol

Thanks in advance!! This is how long her fur is now.

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Daisy is adorable! And these are great questions as I am taking my 17 week-old to the groomer for the first time on Saturday.
Daisy is so adorable. My puppy is almost 6 mos old and I am getting a puppy cut. She does panting too. Here is 60 degrees.

After thinking that I would keep Ragley as scruffy as possible, I think we are about to go for a major cut down. I know she is hot and my family keeps peer pressuring me to cut her down. It is already getting into the 90s here so I think it may be the right thing to do. If and when it happens, I'll be sure to post pictures- then you'll get a preview to what Daisy would look like ;)

Stephanie, I'm sure you understand my fear!! I am terrified to cut off her beautiful, fluffy red coat and then end up with..I don't know what! Lol definitely let me know if you cut Ragley I'd love to see.

I totally get it! And you just have to remember that cutting her coat won't change the texture, it will just get rid of the fluff sooner. Daisy will be gorgeous no matter what! It looks like Ragley will end up with a chunky-wave coat from the transition I have seen so far. Daisy is SO much like a little Ragley that I would imagine she'd be about the same.

I think about this daily also. I have noticed a definite increase in panting. I was outside working in the garden this am in shorts and T-shirt, probably only 65-70 degrees, but started getting pretty warm as I was working. I'm thinking our doodles are still wearing their winter coat...I know I'd be hot if I still had my winter coat on, and it's not even hot or humid yet.
I am curious what others do that have similar coats in areas that are already warm. I think I probably will cut yogi down, I don't want him to be miserable

Daisy is really cute. I love her face. Since my Addie is 4 1/2 months, I do not have experience with a summer cut. Like Daisy, she has only had around her face trimmed and a sanitary trim. What I do have some experience with is the panting. It has been in the 80's here but it has also been much cooler. Addie pants outside, inside, and just about anywhere. I suspect, at least with her, it is not only a sign of heat. Is Daisy starting to pant much more than normal for her? 

Thank you! Interesting about Addie, I would say Daisy primarily does it outside and when we are playing inside but outside it gets VERY bad for her when it's above 60. What are you thinking is causing Addie's increased panting other than heat?

Last summer I left Lily hair longer for some of the summer, but with her learning to swim it really weighed her down. I prefer her with a short cut because she seems to regulate her heat better (less panting), is easier to clean, is softer than when I let it grow long, and carries less allergens (from grass and pollen, etc). I have heard that keeping them longer can help keep them cool, maybe if they have an undercoat? For Lily that is not the case, the shorter the better :)
Nimbus has a very similar coat. He is now 10 months old and never been cut. I read that the coat protects them from the heat. He sometimes pants a lot, and other times less. We already had 90's here.
We ended up cutting Josie shorter (like 1.5 inches) because it's easier to keep her tangle and mat free. She is still adorable and very soft. (She's 13 months). Her coat has gotten lighter with each cut. I can't say that will happen with Daisy. I'm hoping Josie will get darker again when she gets a little older. She has no undercoat.

Lastly, I read that dogs are very able to regulate their internal temps, and fur length is protective rather than causing them to overheat. They are not like us. They don't need coats in winter and they don't need short sleeves in summer :)

Try giving her lots of water if she's panting. Once it gets warm, we always have a water bottle with us.

I 2nd carrying water when its warm. We've done this for years with our 2 and in the Summer they are always very grateful we do!



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