Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hi there all you grooming experts.
I took Truffle for his grooming today and received some bad news. In part because Truffle is 10 months old and going through his coat change, and in part because he was recently neutered and had a cone on for two weeks, he has severe mats all over his body, particularly around his neck and under his chin.
The groomer called me to give me two options (1) shave him down to what will likely be almost his skin (or if we're lucky 1/4 inch) or (2) attempt to demat him with a rake over the next 10-14 days, doing a small portion of his body 30-60 minutes a day so that when I bring him in again, they can get through any remaining mats without torturing our little monster.
I feel like a completely incompetent dog owner. I comb him almost daily, yet I was obviously doing a crappy job. Anyway, the thought of option (1) made me cry (I was sobbing on the phone to my husband who must think I've lost all sense of perspective), so I am now determined to make enough headway with the mats to salvage Truffle's beautiful fleece coat.
The groomer gave me a good rake to use and showed me how to use it, and I hope I can make progress without hurting Truffle or getting too discouraged.
The groomer told me he's had one client in 12 years who managed to successfully demat her dog and save her dog's coat, so I know it's not impossible. But I also know that it's going to be very difficult. I refuse, however, to give up without a fight. If we ultimately have to shave it down, I'll at least know that I tried my best to avoid it (although had I really tried my best, perhaps he wouldn't be as matted as he is now).
Anyway, would love any practical advice on how to remove the mats (which are all, for the most part, big and clumpy and close to his skin) - including how to keep Truffle still for short periods of time while I work on them (he will be getting lots of yummy treats over the coming days, that's for sure). And if you have good luck wishes to spare, I'll happily accept them! Thanks in advance for the support
I have to tell you that Lexi's been sheared, and it's all grown back in within weeks. I wouldn't beat yourself up over this too much. Decide whether you really have the time or energy to deal with the de-matting. Consider that it is almost summer, and my doodle - at least - gets very, very hot. We have been purposely cutting her every 4 weeks - short - to get through coat changes and summer. We've gotten used to it, and it's kind of adorable. Don't sweat this too much. It's like a haircut you hate, it'll grow back in!
Thanks, Shari. That makes me feel better. I figure I'll give it a few days to see if I make headway over the weekend. If I do, great. If not, we may have to succumb. Do you have a before and after photo of Lexi, just for reference?
I do. I need to run out for school pick up, but I should be able to get some photos to you later today. We had her super shaggy, then we had to shear her, now we keep her short regularly, but it's not as short as that shear.
Thanks so much! I'll look forward to seeing before and after pictures.
Mel has been shaved a few times and it does grow back fast.
It is up to you but in my opinion, I would save yourself & Truffle the headache and pain and go with the shave. It is a lot of work for you and it can be very painful for him - you don't want him to develop a fear of grooming, especially when he is probably already extremely uncomfortable with the matting itself.
I grew Tenley's coat out to 7" and had him clipped back to 1" recently. I will tell you that I will never go back to having hair longer than 2-3" again. My house is SO much cleaner and I have my life back - I'm not constantly combing him! Plus, he looks just as cute :)
Tenley seems to have a coat that's similar to Truffle's. Do you have a photo of him clipped short? Our groomer says Truffle's fur will likely need to be sheared very close to his skin - it sounds like it would be cut to less than an inch, but the more photos I see with dogs' coats cut close, the better I'll feel if I need to go down that road. Thanks so much!
Aw, you shouldn't feel bad about this. The cone is to blame and keeping a coat that long free of mats is a huge challenge. My Omar is 5 months old and I am keeping his coat at about an inch and half long. I think he looks very handsome and it's easy to maintain but then again I am still dealing with puppy fur and not changing fur. Speaking of which I have a question about that, when did you first notice Truffle's fur changing and how can you tell? (He's totally cute btw! I just want to hug him!)
It's not particularly obvious. But we never had any trouble with mats or knots until the last time he was groomed - about 5 weeks ago. The groomer needed to spend extra time removing a few stubborn mats - he'd never had to do that before. I attributed the matting to the coat change - so it's what I tell myself is happening since it makes me feel a bit less awful about my grooming abilities!
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