Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I have an idea that might be crazy. We’d like to write a book about Labradoodles and Goldendoodles. But we would need your help.
More about the book in a minute. First the reason why we would even think about writing one.
We have a pretty big goal at DK:
To improve the health and happiness of all Doodles and their owners.
To do that we have to spread good information. We do so much of that here. We’ve got some seriously smart doodle people here! And extremely generous with your knowledge too. The amount of valuable information you all provide for other Doodle owners on a daily basis is unmatched.
But it’s not enough.
We want to spread the wisdom you all have to everyone that is looking for that information. These will often be people outside of our website. Many people who don’t appreciate a social network like you and I do (what?!?), but would like to still get all the knowledge that is continually shared here on DK.
So we want to write a book. THE definitive book on the topic of Labradoodles and Goldendoodles. We want it to be available pretty much everywhere. Amazon Kindle store, Apple iBooks store, pdf format, and even real paper and ink format. We want to spread it far and wide. Way beyond the friendly confines of DK.
We will sell this book. We want it to be cheap. We’re thinking $7.99. We would do as we always do and donate 25% of all our proceeds to Doodle and dog rescue organizations.
But we need your help. After all, you fabulous Doodle Kissers are the big brains around here. :-) We need help writing, compiling, and editing it. This will be a team effort. A crowdsourced book.
Our first step will be to complete an outline. We will then need individuals to help flesh out any sections that they have an interest in. We will need photo contributions / editing.
Here is our first outline for the book:
This outline is in an online outliner called Gingko. It’s threaded so you can drill down into topics. It will be weird at first, but I think you’ll see the power of it very quickly. The left column contains chapters. Click on any chapter title and you will then be able to see all the sections within that chapter. Etc.
What do you think? Are we crazy? Are you in? Will you help create the definitive guide to Labradoodles and Goldendoodles?
I think it sounds like a great idea and an immense amount of work. I wonder if all the work will be financially worth it but I am sure it will be very worthwhile for new owners and others. How you will select what content and whose content could be daunting. Of course we have a dog nutrition expert. I am certain our photographers would be tripping over themselves to supply whatever photographic content you would like. You may be crazy. I am in depending on the help you might want from me: )
I'm not sure it will be financially worth it either. Most things like this aren't. But we have to have a summer project, right? If it's something we enjoy, raises the level of health and happiness for doodles and their owners, and then miraculously makes some small amount of money for DK and doodle rescue... I think that would be a success.
As for people participating, it would be entirely voluntary and in areas you would choose to help (because you enjoy that area).
Thanks for your support!
Yes, you are crazy.
But if you do it, of course I'm in.
Interesting, ambitious, and of course I am in if you need me. Roo has Addison's disease, I have brothers, not littermates, I have raised several puppies, none of the others doodles.... I have a chemistry/teaching/education background. I am not very techie, but usually can bumble my way around with a little help.
Go for it!
Good suggestion Jenn. Where would you put it in? Does it need to be another chapter or a section in a chapter we already have?
Actually I would have thought this was a huge undertaking, but my brother just wrote a book and the process was amazingly easy (once the writing was done). The publisher took care of just about everything. Kindle/Amazon actually set the pricing on was largely geared on number of pages. I know this is the very early stages, but you're probably not going to be able to sell a hardcover book for $7.99....maybe not even the soft copy. The publisher handled distribution and marketing & advertising as well as all the legal and copywrite issues. It has been an easy process for him. I'd be happy to help (as time allows)...just let me know how.
Hi Jane,
You are right. We would not be able to sell a physical book (hardcover or even paperback) for $7.99. That price would be for all the electronic versions: Kindle, iPad, pdf, etc.
We would probably self-publish using the Amazon marketplace, Apple iBookstore, and our site. The physical book would then be produced by createspace or a similar publisher/printer. Then if we get picked up by a traditional publisher, great. But that is not something we would count on before getting the first version of the the book out there.
But we want to make sure it's a good idea first. :-)
Sounds like a plan.....
Love the idea! The outline looks great!
What a great idea! And I would love to help however I can!
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