Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So today one of my neighbors came over and I was showing off the final backyard makeover. She asked where the dogs go to the potty because they do not on the synthetic lawn. I motioned to the side yard and she said "I don't see any poop there!" And I said that's because I pick up after each time they go. She looked at me like I had two heads. I said it wasn't that hard, they go poo 2x a day: mid morning and late at night. That make her look at me like I was even stranger than before.

Maybe I am weird but I always pick up poo mainly because I don't want it lying around and them stepping in it or flies but also because I know if the dogs are regulating ok and if there is a problem.

So am I a nut?

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I do the same thing. I hate the idea of Truffle's poops lying around! He's pretty regular so we generally know when he goes and are usually out there with him when he does. On the rare occasion when we miss one, I pick it up as soon as I discover it. The only time I was a bit more lax was during the winter - it was so unbearably cold and snowy that we inevitably missed some because we hated going outside in the frigid weather!
I pick up poo, but not after every time, maybe every few days. Our yard is big, so it takes awhile to walk it.
I would hate to have it laying around the yard. I like bare-footing too much :-)

Well, if you're nuts, so am I. I pick up all poop immediately upon deposit. JD plays ball out there, for Pete's sake. Tennis ball covered with poop in his mouth, I don't think so.

And with his IBD, I need to know exactly what's going on with his digestion.

Personally, I think your neighbor is the weird one. Who the heck wants to see poop lying around their yard? Attracting flies, stinking...yuck. And who wants to go looking for it later on? Or does she just leave it there to disintegrate slowly over time? My landscapers would love that. Nothing like those big streaks of smeared poop that the lawn mowers leave behind to showcase your backyard, lol. 

Not a nut at all! I live in an apartment, so I always pick it up immediately. However when I was younger and babysat my cousins I remember having to pick up 20+ poop piles from their backyard so they could play. I vowed that day that I would always pick it up immediately because I was so grossed out that day!
I also do the same. Personally, seeing poo lying around, even if it's in the designated side yard, disgusts me!
Occasionally I will skip a day but generally I pick up poop once or twice a day. I don't want anyone or any dog to step in it, not attractive. I don't want it on my mower etc.

You are not strange or weird!  I pick up Libby's the minute she goes and that is every single time.  I do not want it laying around on the ground to attract flies, or Libby running in it or our granddaughters to step in it.  For me it is just the right thing to do!  

I don't have a yard but pick up after my beast every time.  I think it's especially important because they can't communicate so we have to evaluate how they are feeling from the outside in....

I think it's' called responsible pet ownership, she's the crazy/lazy one for not doing it.  Not to mention zoonotic disease that can be transmitted through fecal matter.  Ewe.  

Keep scooping :)

We pick it up as well. In fact, my husband will put the shovel under Riley as she goes and catches it before it hits the ground. :-)
Neighbors let their dogs go on their deck all winter a few years ago and NEVER picked any up. When the snow melted it was disgusting!
Ewww to the neighbors!

We pick up poop daily. Occasionally, when the weather is bad we will skip a day, but we try to pick it up every night. I don't want them playing in a mess! We play in the yard too and I would hate for us or our friends to step in a pile! 

Your neighbor is the one who is a nut.  We always pick up immediately after as we also know Gracie's schedule.  At the most it might sit there an hour if I am in the house and the back door is open for her to come and go throughout the day.  But I always check when I go outside or leave the house.  DH does the same thing.  Two of her poops are on her morning and evening walks and I get the one while playing in the late afternoon.  That about covers it!!  Let me ask you a said the dogs go to the side yard.  Are there neighbors next to that area?  If so, it is even more important to clean up so the smell doesn't go in their windows...if you live that closely.   



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