Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lately when we try to move Molson from his current resting spot where he seems to want to stay, he will growl, bear teeth and try to bite. Last night when taking him up to bed he ran to my little ones room, jumped on her bed and became aggressive when I tried to move him. He does it when he's sleeping behind the toilet too. I just wanted to put him in his crate in my room for bedtime. Any help? advice?

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Midas did that too! he was a little demon! lol..I have videos and pictures of him doing so.. I would just grab him anyways and make him get off the couch..good luck to you, things will get easier :)

Are you trying to pick him up?  I would suggest not picking him up but enticing him to follow you.

You might have startled him but that type of behavior will get worse if not dealt with--I agree that you should entice him--use a happy voice and a treat and say "Bedtime!" and then lure him into the room and put the treat in the crate--lots of positive reinforcement for doing the right thing and try not to create situations where he is nipping and then getting his way as a result.

Another suggestion is to look at your 'state of mind' when dealing with him.  Have you let the growling intimidate you; are you more timid when trying to enforce rules?  Make sure that you are confident when working with him.



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