Hi All!, Just a quick update....I was rendered computerless for 3 days due to a Trojan virus I contracted from visiting various doodle related sites....They are some of our favorites and I can't name them here but I have informed the site administrators of their apparent infections with various "strains" of the Trojan virus now engineered to bypass Symantec and Microsoft anti-virus software......I have 367 emails to read so it may take awhile for me to catch up!...lol....GLAD TO BE BACK!
The issue is on the Doodle Zoo and other forums (I assume even the non-doodle related ones) that use the disc.yourwebapps.com platform -- you know it is one of them if the web address includes "disc.yourwebapps.com."
Doodle Freedom Discussion Forum
Doodle Discussion Forum
Ann's Doodle Chat
Moss Creek's Forum (seems to be fine - there does not appear to be any advertising here)
All use "disc.yourwebapps.com"
I beleive the issue is the advertising that comes up and if you put the cursor on them. Perhaps the issue is that there is a "free" version that has advertising and a version that is not free and has no advertising.
I do hope that the issue gets resolved quickly as these forums I do enjoy lurking in.
I took a look at the support page of "disc.yourwebapps.com" and the issue is the advertising which is not there in the premium version (as it appears Moss Creeks is).
They are looking into this. They also recommend firefox as the browser to use.
Yeah, yeah. You just didn't want to have to whip up any amazing bald guy photoshopped pix for my birthday. Frankly, this whole "trojan virus" story is a little much to get out of that, don't you think? ;-)
I would not have missed your birthday for ANYTHING!!!...except a killer Trojan!...and this one wasn't even attached to a man!...tee hee hee.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY OH GREAT EXALTED BALD ONE!!!!...Tell us!...What did ya get?.....lol
I got an Amos Lee CD (who I learned about right here on Doodle Kisses on Belinda's page... go have a listen, it's great). And I got a book: Tribes by Seth Godin. Seth is who I blatantly ripped off the concept for my profile picture from and I read most everything he writes. I got a killer shop vac from my practical brother. I also got gift cards and money... and I'm 39! Who woulda thunk it. I also had two meals out with Adina - a fantastic greasy-spoon breakfast and a delicious Thai dinner. It was a great birthday. :-)