Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I should have had this done earlier I know, but I just go so busy with both the doodles then boom, Sophie turned 8 months already! She is literally .2 lbs under 60 libs, she is a jet black berne doodle and has the most unique personality I have honestly ever seen :-) She is half Bernese Mt. Dog and they are a very laid back dog, Daisy my golden doodle is 2 yrs old and weighs a whopping 48 pounds, Sophie, to me, is chubby, but the vet says she is perfectly fine, her body style is more the bernese, but with the curly poodle hair, she is not has agile as Daisy, is a a pure fraidy cat, kind of bumbles around, I laugh so hard when she gets up on the couch (very slow) it took her forever to come down the steps, and she is SLOW, you just have to laugh at this little doll baby, anyway I know all will be fine, but I feel so bad when they get spayed, please help with any tips you may have about keeping the two of them from jumping all over each other when she starts to feel better, my two doodles are like sumo wrestlers when they are together, how can I keep them apart so her stitches can heal....HELP :-)
Once the initial anesthesia wears off, you may just have to keep them separated. I know its hard to do. I will be doing it again soon myself.
My Sophie and I send "quick recovery" wishes your way. Hope all goes well.
Do you have a crate or ex-pen? Or perhaps you could keep one tethered to you so you can monitor their interactions?
From your description Sophie sounds like a real sweetheart. Hoping for a speedy recovery for her so she can get back to sumo wrestling very soon!
I hope she heals quickly. Since it seems they like to rough house you might want to use a crate or tether one of them to you. Good luck!
The STRANGEST thing happened very early this morning, so today is the day to drop Sophie off at the Vet to get spayed, so around 3:15AM this morning, my husband and I are dead asleep and get woken up by this blood curdling howling/wining sound (LOUD), it startled us out of our sleep, we both look at the end of our bed, and there is Daisy fast asleep, so my husband gets up and looks around for Sophie and she was downstairs appearing to be sound asleep in the family room, I know dogs make noises when they sleep, but I had NEVER heard anything like this before, who else could have made that sound? And we were on the second floor. We were joking that she was dreaming of her surgery :-) WEIRD.......hey it IS almost Halloween!! :-)
What I did with my two is seperate them for the first 2 days. Murphy went to my daughters during the day and came back exhausted after playing with her doodle all day and would just go right to sleep. So Bella was able to get plenty of rest. By the 3rd day, Bella was ready for some supervised recreation and did well from then. Im sure she will do fine. Keep us posted.
LOL-that is weird! Maybe she is part werewolf too!
That hilarious. My fish sometimes get into fights in the middle of the night (I have big fish) and they make loud splashes that freak me out. My Orwell so far doesn't make much noise other than grunting while he is dreaming.
How'd the procedure go today?
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