Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Adina has been really busy but I thought it would be fun to see the hints she has been posting leading up to the most anticipated event of the year!  

Here are some hints for the Calender.

As photos are posted, I will try, or others will just add here.

This is exciting news!  

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Helga, Please join us in the Photography group too. We have so much fun in that group and around calendar time there are always a couple of discussions about submissions and help with edits. The first time I entered Fudge I was sure I had the calendar cover and then learned later I didn't even send in a photo with the right requirements. Don't give up!!

Laurie, I'm not really a photographer like my husband. He sits at the computer for hours to edit. I only edit the most important things, like crop, haha.

Maybe I'll join, so you guys have someone to laugh about. LOL.

This group is very supportive, a bit crazy, and a lot of fun.  

Helga, I never took a picture of my kids, but once I got Fudge and Vern and joined the Photography Group, I caught the fever. Luckily, my daughter just had a baby in August, so MAYBE I can give Fudge and Vern a break. LOL I promise, we won't laugh :)

Helga: these guys are so helpful! I haven't an ounce of talent when it comes to taking pictures. They are all so talented and I will readily admit, it's a tad intimidating. I usually " stalk", but around calendar time, they were all very willing and helpful in editing my pictures. They actually made them look good! :)

LOL--but if I recall correctly, this year you showed us those wonderful images of Enzo with the tennis balls and you didn't need any help whatsoever. I LOVE the shot of Enzo that got selected.

Awwww...thanks! I believe, for me, lots of luck was involved this year!

Ro, I think that shot of Enzo is precious.  She looks so proud with those tennis balls.

I was so rooting for that picture of Enzo in front of that blue water!! The tennis ball shot, however, just makes you happy!

I ALWAYS take pictures of my puppies, and kids. I am also a doula, and take labor, birth and newborn pictures. But I can't show these, of course.

if you want a laugh we can show you lots of our blurry out takes and dogs walking out of the frame.  We're more about nurturing than criticizing and we have more fun than any other group on DK ;)) So jump right on in LOL



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